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Disturbance mosaics (treefall gaps, hurricanes, fires) Patchy, recurrent disturbance environment states vary demographically environment states change.

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Presentation on theme: "Disturbance mosaics (treefall gaps, hurricanes, fires) Patchy, recurrent disturbance environment states vary demographically environment states change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disturbance mosaics (treefall gaps, hurricanes, fires) Patchy, recurrent disturbance environment states vary demographically environment states change over time Dynamics includes demographic and environment transitions

2 Concepts Structured populations Mosaic of environmental states Each environmental state = one population projection matrix Entire heterogeneous landscape = set of matrices

3 Many different ways to link together... arithmetic average products of matrices (a fixed sequence) Megamatrix Stochastic sequence

4 Megamatrix Environment-by-stage classes Matrix size = no. of environments x no. stages Environmental transition matrix Aggregates over all patches of a given environment at each time step

5 Environment transition matrix

6 Environmental characteristics from a matrix? Sequence of types of environments Temporal autocorrelation Relative abundance of types of environments in the sequence over time reaches an equilibrium

7 What happens here next? Start green 50% chance of going to Red 50% chance of going to Blue Start red 50% chance of going to Green 50% chance of staying Red Start blue 100% probability of going to Green

8 Try it… Start red.

9 What happens here long term?

10 Environment transition phenology time tt+1 early change late change census

11 Megamatrix: early change

12 Megamatrix: late change

13 New sensitivity questions Environment by life history stage classification Does the same life-history event in different environments differ in elasticity values? Elasticities (can be summed) By environment By stage across all environments By stage within environments …

14 What’s next? Cumulative pop growth Stochastic sequences Stochastic elasticities Age from stage

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