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Vytautas Kasparavičius, IFM - 0/2 gr..  graphical user interface (GUI) testing is the process of testing a product's graphical user interface to ensure.

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Presentation on theme: "Vytautas Kasparavičius, IFM - 0/2 gr..  graphical user interface (GUI) testing is the process of testing a product's graphical user interface to ensure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vytautas Kasparavičius, IFM - 0/2 gr.

2  graphical user interface (GUI) testing is the process of testing a product's graphical user interface to ensure it meets its written specifications

3  Size  WordPad – 325 possible GUI operations  Sequence  Opening a file in Word application  Regression testing  Significant changes in GUI

4  Error localization  Complexity of GUI  Custom application style  Correctness of result  Test coverage

5  GUI states tested  Code functionallity covered

6  Split application into test components (component = window)  Test each component thoroughly  Test integration of components  Plan

7  Determining  Operations  Initial state  Goal  Plan (how to achieve goal from initial state)

8  Expert users  Path is pretty predictable and straight-forward  Novice users  Path is pretty much random  How to simulate novice users?

9  Genetic algorithms  Novice paths are not random paths  A novice user will learn over time and generally won’t make the same mistakes repeatedly  A novice user is following a plan and probably has some domain or system knowledge.

10  Selenium (Web UI)  Robotium (Android OS)  SWTBot (SWT applications)  AutoHotKey  Tellurium  White (SWT, WPF, Silverlight, win32, winForms)  And many many others

11 solo.clickOnText("More"); solo.clickOnText("Preferences"); solo.clickOnText("Edit File Extensions"); Assert.assertTrue(solo.searchText("rtf"));


13  Why is GUI testing so hard?  How to measure GUI test coverage?  Name 2-3 GUI testing tools  What are the advantages/disadvantages of automated GUI testing?

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