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Adariana Garcia David A. Lopez Jasmine McClain. Introduction  Survey was passed out to Writing 10 students  Majority of the students did not have an.

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Presentation on theme: "Adariana Garcia David A. Lopez Jasmine McClain. Introduction  Survey was passed out to Writing 10 students  Majority of the students did not have an."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adariana Garcia David A. Lopez Jasmine McClain

2 Introduction  Survey was passed out to Writing 10 students  Majority of the students did not have an interest in Professional Writing  Some reasoning of why Writing 30 would be beneficial  Customer profile potentially have an interest in Writing 30 minor

3 Psychograpchics  Students do not like to write  Benefits their careers  Students want to work on Graduate Schools Oral Presentation Job Applications Resume Students fear the complication of writing

4 Demographics  Average age group 18  More women on campus  First writing class they were enrolled in  Since it was an entry level class Most students are freshman

5 Motivation for Enrollment Motivated by a better Career Motivated because it can improve writing Not motivated at all

6 Skills Rated their own skills on a scale Average was “Good” Most want to develop Argument Least want to develop Teamwork

7 Interests Projects Topics Most interested in topics regarding careers or applications Least interested in writing as career such as journalism or marketing Most interested in Grammar Improvement Least interested in Management Communication

8 Enrollment  First question on Survey  Of those surveyed 3 yes 16 no  Maybe “Should you enroll?”

9 Customer Profile Ariel Female Undeclared Unaware of Minor Motivated by Career Public Speaker Average Writing is Necessary

10 Be like them and enroll for a minor in writing with an emphasis in professional writing. Create business plans, prepare for jobs and get on the right track for graduate school or your career! For enrollment information contact Sandra Mora at and/or visit Classes Include: Writing 30, 100, 130, 155, 160 many of their greatest ideas began on paper. Thomas Edison, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs all had one thing in common… Writing This ad was created by students of professional writing.

11 Professional Writing …Think beyond Essays For information on enrollment Contact Sandra Mora at Wri 30, Wri 100, Wri 130, Wri 131, Wri 155, Wri 160 Journalism  Entrepreneurship  Public speaking  Preparation for Job Interviews Writing Minor with an Emphasis in Professional Writing: Open to students in ANY field. No matter if you are looking to refine those writing skills, perfect that resume, or build experience, this class has real world application NOW!


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