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Categories Label each statement with the French era it applies to… 1.Louis XIV ruled as an absolute monarch. 2.Continental System limited British trade.

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Presentation on theme: "Categories Label each statement with the French era it applies to… 1.Louis XIV ruled as an absolute monarch. 2.Continental System limited British trade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Categories Label each statement with the French era it applies to… 1.Louis XIV ruled as an absolute monarch. 2.Continental System limited British trade 3.Reign of Terror crushes domestic enemies 4.Bastille Day proclaimed a national holiday 5.New legal system with emphasis on equality 6.Committee of Public Safety created 7.Slavery abolished in French colonies 8.Louisiana Territory sold to United States 9.Danton and Robespierre guillotined 10.Government centralized, public education created, extensive public works instituted, Legion of Honor created 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.B 10. C A= Pre-Revolution B= First Republic/ Directory C= Napoleonic Empire

2 Congress of Vienna & the Age of Metternich The FRAME Routine Key Topic Main idea is about… So What? (What’s important to understand about this?) Essential details Main idea Essential details TerritoryAlliancesRevolutionsLegitimacy Quadruple Alliance Holy Alliance 1820-21 – Spain & Italy Greece (1830-32) 1848 - France, Austria, Italy, and Germany 1830-32 – France, Bel., Italy, Poland France and Russia aid Greeks to weaken Turks the restoration of legitimate monarchs across Europe and the creation of alliances to suppress liberalism, revolutions, and independence movements. Restoring monarchs Conservative reaction to French Rev. and Napoleon Poland divided between Russia and Prussia Austria obtained N. Italian provinces Denial of democracy Denial of nationalism Creation of German Confederacy Created the kingdom of the Netherlands Although the Congress of Vienna set out to bring lasting peace to Europe, the decisions reversed reforms and discouraged nationalism, leading to future problems.

3 Treaty of Paris (May 1814) – ended war between France and six nations Congress begins in Vienna in September 1814 Charles de Talleyrand-Périgord – influential French diplomat from the Declaration of Rights of Man through the Congress of Vienna “Final Act” signed nine days before the Battle of Waterloo enlarged Russia and Prussia, formed the German Confederation from 39 German states formed framework for European international politics until 1914

4 FRAME*Many territorial changes were made as the map of Europe was redrawn What empire was replaced by the German Confederation? Which countries gained territory? Which countries lost territory?

5 Prince Metternich European Monarchs Return – Louis XVIII placed on French throne even before the Congress of Vienna begins – Spain’s Ferdinand VII dismissed Constitution of 1812 – “Legitimate” monarchs restored in Portugal and the Italian states – Prince of Orange given control of united Kingdom of the Netherlands Klemens von Metternich, a reactionary Austrian prince, was the architect of the Congress of Vienna. He pushed for the return of hereditary monarchs across the continent who had been displaced by Napoleon. FRAME

6 Austrian ambassador requested by Napoleon in 1806 Arrested and exchanged for French diplomats after France and Austria went to war in 1809 Accompanies Marie Louise to Paris in 1810 and gains concessions Attempted to play both France and Russia in order to restore peace Participated in the writing of the major documents of the French Revolution Involved in XYZ Affair, and later the 1799 coup d’etat Opposed Franco-Russian alliance, later soured on Napoleon’s ambition and became a spy for Russia

7 Alliances Quadruple Alliance Great Britain, Prussia, Austria, Russia Defensive pact against France Holy Alliance Austria, Russia, and Prussia Kings will rule by Christian principles of justice, peace, and charity Used to repress liberal ideas Metternich’s principle of intervention – Holy Alliance countries may invade countries beset by revolution Rejected by Great Britain – why? FRAME When the Europeans from other countries revolt, which alliance will step in to “restore order?”


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