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Age of Isms Philosophies during this era. After French Revolution Congress of Vienna: attempts to bring things back to where they “belong” But there is.

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Presentation on theme: "Age of Isms Philosophies during this era. After French Revolution Congress of Vienna: attempts to bring things back to where they “belong” But there is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Age of Isms Philosophies during this era

2 After French Revolution Congress of Vienna: attempts to bring things back to where they “belong” But there is no going back

3 I. “Elite” Isms A. Conservatism: Desire to keep things more or less the same, more government, changes are gradual (monarchy) B. Liberalism: influenced by the Enlightenment, desire to change things for society, less government, let people make the changes (Republic)

4 II. The “Mass” Isms: Romanticism Nationalism Socialism Communism

5 a. Romanticism Complete Cultural/Literary movement “You can fool the mind, but not the heart” – Counter movement to the Enlightenment

6 - Greece 1821-1832: Greek War of Independence (from Ottoman Turks) Appealed to ideas of Ancient Greece France, GB, Russia send send fleets to help


8 b. Nationalism Power of the nation Way to identify oneself (religion, city you live in, etc.)

9 c. 2 types of Nationalism Ethnic Nationalism- the idea to identify yourself based on race, religion, culture, language, or history Political Nationalism- the way to identify yourself based on political allegiance – Nation-State- Nation: the people (identity) State (Government)

10 i. Positive views of nationalism German Unification: (1871) 300 weak states become most powerful state in Europe Italian Unification: (1871) Italian states unify

11 Map of Europe 1800

12 Map of Europe 1900

13 III. Other Isms (tied in to other Isms) Social Darwinism Imperialism

14 a. Imperialism Extending the power of a nation through military force Advanced form of Nationalism “Glory of Empire” Mixture of Nationalism and Mercantilism Take a country, glorious nation, take their resources



17 World in 1900

18 b. Social Darwinism Natural Selection applied to human beings and societies – Some people are more fit for survival than others – Laissez Faire economics

19 c. Eugenics Scientific Practice of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics.


21 Funny Quotes

22 Economics Review! Economics: the study of decision making with limited resources – Resources- the materials we need to accomplish what we want/need Wants/Needs Goods/Services Supply/Demand Factors of Production: – Natural Resources – Labor – Capital – Entrepreneurs – Technology

23 IV. Economic Isms A. Capitalism B. Socialism C. Communism D. (Feudalism)

24 a. Capitalism Inventor: Adam Smith “The Wealth of Nations” Private citizens, not the government, controls the factors of production Operates with Supply and Demand Laissez Faire economics

25 b. Socialism Government/Society regulates the factors of production (to what degree?) Aimed at workers, three types: 1. Utopian 2. State 3. Revolution

26 1. Utopian A system of no real government, everyone in perfect harmony – Communes: everyone shares (hippies) – Had a few communes in US

27 2. State Had to have a central government Must have a state favorable to the workers (minimum wage, participation in government) Workers must bear their own pressure on government by peaceful means Most of Europe

28 3. Revolution (Radicalism) The only way to have a new government is to have a violent revolution Destroy present government, have a government run by workers – Ex. Revolutions of 1848

29 c. Communism Karl Marx “Communist Manifesto” World Revolution Everyone works for benefit of all (no $) Proletariat Revolution – Nationalism evil, want to distract the workers – Religion evil, “Opiate of the Masses”

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