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Moving Towards Excellence Carys Davies Head of Teaching and Learning Development and Innovation, Coleg Cambria Sarah Williams ILT Support Manager, Coleg.

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Presentation on theme: "Moving Towards Excellence Carys Davies Head of Teaching and Learning Development and Innovation, Coleg Cambria Sarah Williams ILT Support Manager, Coleg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving Towards Excellence Carys Davies Head of Teaching and Learning Development and Innovation, Coleg Cambria Sarah Williams ILT Support Manager, Coleg Cambria Inspire Innovate Succeed

2 How it can Feel Leading on Teaching and Learning

3 ILPs differentiation Cymraeg Links to industry literacy Assessment for Learning ESDGC Numeracy Using technology Active learning How it Can Feel ‘Being Led’ on Teaching and Learning

4 ILPs differentiation Cymraeg Links to industry literacy Assessment for Learning ESDGC Numeracy Using technology Active learning How it Can Feel ‘Being Led’ on Teaching and Learning

5 … in a landscape of mergers and consortium working …

6 We need vision and focus

7 Table discussion – Identify your three most important drivers for learner progress

8 How can we improve the progress learners make? Individual learning planning Planning effective learning in and out of class Learning Innovations Table discussion: How are these coordinated and developed in your settings? Room ID: 50745

9 Individual learning planning Learner owning their targets Individual regularly reviewed target setting Effective short term actions and long term goal setting Building aspiration and goals Investment in ILP system feedback loops Fully utilising BKSB and linking with marking for literacy and target setting Training on improved feedback to learners and marking to enable learners to progress Assessment for Learning Teaching strategies to enable learners to understand how to progress

10 Planning effective learning Schemes of Work: Detailed, live SOWs develop clear programmes of learning with all themes included All learning needs embedded into learning planning Framework for Units of Learning: Planning effective learning model Teaching activities called ‘Teaching Takeaways’ for each category Developing Independent Learning Out of class learning – flipped classrooms Flipped classroom – independent learning in class as well

11 Table discussion – Identify your three most successful uses of technology to support learning Learning Innovations

12 + BYOD

13 Learning Innovations Improved feedback from and to learners Using the use of video, to explain how he should be holding welding gun and also the importance of feeding the weld into nozzle,

14 Learning Innovations Use video demonstrations and vodcasts and online resources to enable tutors to spend more time interacting with learners

15 Estyn

16 What did our learners look like? All learners using Individual learning plans, regularly reviewed with TM / tutor Learning new skills using technologies in class and out of class Challenged by teacher feedback to make better than expected progress in class, with support given Learning via a carefully developed programme of study which supported all their skills needs Independently working on literacy/ numeracy skills Independently target setting / reviewing via mobile phones in and out of class

17 When Estyn visited, they found…. All at Good, with Excellence for: Wellbeing Learner Experiences Teaching Leadership Partnership working Prospects for Improvement

18 What Estyn said: Planning, training and assessment Learner progress tracking system Outstanding levels of support Enabling learners to make exceptional progress in developing literacy skills Reinforcement of ESDGC throughout training programmes

19 What Estyn said: The Consortium’s prospects for improvement are excellent because: Clear strategy and vision to achieve excellence Outstanding quality in teaching, training and assessment Exceptional literacy support ALL staff using learner progress tracking system

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