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SATW Schweizerische Akademie der Technischen Wissenschaften Académie suisse des sciences techniques Accademia svizzera delle scienze tecniche Swiss Academy.

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Presentation on theme: "SATW Schweizerische Akademie der Technischen Wissenschaften Académie suisse des sciences techniques Accademia svizzera delle scienze tecniche Swiss Academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 SATW Schweizerische Akademie der Technischen Wissenschaften Académie suisse des sciences techniques Accademia svizzera delle scienze tecniche Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences 1 Strategies for Highly Efficient Conversion and Reuse of Matter and/or Energy Status Report to the CAETS Council on July 17, 2009 Raw- material Products

2 SATW 2 Background  Project History: –proposed to CAETS Council on October 26, 2007 –accepted by CAETS Council on June 27, 2008  Project Goal: Improve material transition efficiency in industrial processes by –identifying state-of-the-art technology / methods –distributing the knowledge worldwide through the CAETS academies and their networks.  Interested academies: –acatech, CAE (Canada), NAEK (Korea), EAJ (Japan), RAEng

3 SATW 3 Approach  Phase 1: „Get Overview of Initiatives“  Objective: Collect information about innovative methods used or being developed in industry or research  Method: Survey  Start: October 2009  Lead: SATW

4 SATW 4 Set-Up  Academies were asked to distribute a questionnaire to industry / research bodies  The main questions were: –Project/initiative type (research, development, appl.) –Project/initiative objectives –Aimed efficiency gain (%)  Academies to collect and summarize the data, SATW to compile the data and make a report

5 SATW 5 Response  Questionnaires distributed: 45  Questionnaires returned:15  Basic research: 8  Applied research: 6  Product development: 1  A few scientific reports received  No questionnaire received from industry

6 SATW 6 Good examples received  Development of high efficiency lighting OLEDS that have the potential to be more efficient than fluorescent lamps –Potential annual energy saving: 16 mio kl crude oil  Recycling of rare metals from obsolete electrical home appliance –Overall process material reduction: 90% –Overall process energy reduction: 20%  Chemical Loop Method: Improved oxygen feeding to gas turbine combustors using oxidized metal dust – After the combustion the metal can be recuperated  Gas turbine with two combustors able to save energy during part load operation

7 SATW 7 Lessons learned 1.Don’t bother industry with questionnaires at that time. 2.You can find interesting examples (best practices) to share. 3.Active collaboration among academies is a difficult task. changes are necessary

8 SATW 8 Propositions for a modified approach  Look for an active team of 4-5 academies, preferably 2 developing countries.  In each participating academy a dedicated “contact” person is responsible for gathering / processing the information.  Rely more on desk research and information processing by academies.  Add interviews with managers (CTOs etc.) of selected companies as necessary.

9 SATW 9 Next steps Decision by CAETS Council: 1.Abandon the initiative 2.Re-launch with a modified set-up Condition for relaunch:  Sufficient capacity / commitment of participating academies Offer:  SATW is willing to take the lead again

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