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Plot, Conflict, & Theme 8.5.4, 8.5.7, 8.5.9. Questions / Main Ideas / Vocabulary Notes / Answers / Definitions / Examples / Sentences Plot The chain of.

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Presentation on theme: "Plot, Conflict, & Theme 8.5.4, 8.5.7, 8.5.9. Questions / Main Ideas / Vocabulary Notes / Answers / Definitions / Examples / Sentences Plot The chain of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plot, Conflict, & Theme 8.5.4, 8.5.7, 8.5.9

2 Questions / Main Ideas / Vocabulary Notes / Answers / Definitions / Examples / Sentences Plot The chain of related events that tells us what happens in a story. 1. Exposition (setting, characters, and background information) 2. Rising Actions or Complications 3. Climax (highest point of interest; when everything changes) 4. Falling Actions 5. Resolution (sometimes stated or inferred)

3 Questions / Main Ideas / Vocabulary Notes / Answers / Definitions / Examples / Sentences ConflictProblem faced by a character. The conflict might be a struggle With another character or force of nature, such as a tornado. We become curious and want to learn how the conflict is Resolved, in other words, how the conflict turns out. *** Every story is developed around this concept of conflict!!

4 Questions / Main Ideas / Vocabulary Notes / Answers / Definitions / Examples / Sentences Internal conflict Conflict within a character. Man vs. self External conflict Conflict between another character or force of nature. Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. Technology Man vs. Society

5 Questions / Main Ideas / Vocabulary Notes / Answers / Definitions / Examples / Sentences Complications The rising actions that lead up to the climax. ClimaxWhen the outcome of the conflict is decided, or the turning point of the story. Not necessarily the middle. Usually occurs towards the resolution.

6 Questions / Main Ideas / Vocabulary Notes / Answers / Definitions / Examples / Sentences Resolution This is the end of the story, when all loose ends are tied up and We now know what happens to all of the characters or we can infer what happens based on details from the story. ThemeThe message or insight on life that the reader gets out of the story. ** Plot & Conflict are purposefully constructed so that we walk away with a theme.

7 Summary Now, in your own words, explain all of the details about plot. This is page ____ in your notes.

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