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Unit 9 FAR EASTERN CIVILIZATIONS. SUI (SWEE) DYNASTY 4 Reunites China- 4 Grand Canal- 4 Why the Sui Dynasty Falls?

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 9 FAR EASTERN CIVILIZATIONS. SUI (SWEE) DYNASTY 4 Reunites China- 4 Grand Canal- 4 Why the Sui Dynasty Falls?"— Presentation transcript:


2 SUI (SWEE) DYNASTY 4 Reunites China- 4 Grand Canal- 4 Why the Sui Dynasty Falls?

3 TANG DYSNASTY 4 Expansion- 4 Capital- Chang’an 4 Silk Route- 4 Gun powder- first made in Tang Dynasty used as firecrackers 4 Diamond Sutra- oldest book written

4 NEW LITERATURE OF CHINA 4 Li Bai-(Daoist) 4 Du Fu(opposite of Li Bai)

5 NEW RELIGIONS OF CHINA 4 Zen Buddhism- 4 Doaism- 4 How Buddhist will be viewed will change also!! 4 This leads to Confucianism growing again!!

6 SONG DYNASTY 4 Founded by Zhou Kuangyin(Jow:Kwahng:Yin) 4 Khitans-(Known as Mongols ) 4 Khitans- (Mongols) cause a split in China 4 P.278 shows two new capitals of China 4 Jurchen and Beijing

7 PEASENT LIFE DURING THE TANG AND SONG DYNASTIES 4 Southern China- 4 1. 4 2. 4 Tax system- 4 During Song Dynasty 4 1. 4 2. 4 3.

8 List major accomplishments of the Tang, Song, and Sui 4 SUI TANG SONG

9 JAPAN 4 JAPANESSE-Where did they come from? 4 Shinto-(religion) 4 1. 4 2. 4 3.Kami- 4 Buddhism- co-exist with Shinto

10 4 Japan- 4 1.uses Chinese writing 4 2.adapts law code from Tang dynasty 4 1st capital-Heian-kyo 4 **here Japanese start to develop own culture separate from Chinese 4 WOMEN-can own property and have some rights at first, as time goes on men start to dominate them less rights 4 ***1st novel written in world done by Japanese women

11 FEUDAL JAPAN 4 Japanese feudal system very similar to European system. 4 CENTRAL GOVERNMENT was- 4 controlled by important family which held power in the name of the emperor 4 FUJIWARA-1st family to do this they control important government jobs and marry into the emperors family 4 MINAMOTO-family overthrows FUJIWARA, they introduce the shoguns

12 SHOGUN 4 Chief officer to emperor (very loyal to him) 4 causes problems because conflicts of interest because the shogun usually wants to be loyal to the entire family 4 Also the chief military officer of the government 4 ruled from a Kamakura(military headquarters)


14 SHOGUN ARMOR 4 This armor was given to Teddy Roosevelt President of the US, when he made a trip to Japan. This armor was made during the 1800’s.

15 SAMURI 4 Warrior landlords 4 power was measured by how much land he owned and by how well he used his sword 4 Samurai live by a code called BUSHIDO 4 BUSHIDO- stressed bravery, loyalty, honor sounds familiar??? 4 SEPPUKU-(Hari-Kiri)ceremonial suicide

16 DAIMYOS 4 This was the highest Samurai, he gained the trust of lesser samurai, most of the time they become petty kings

17 Samurai armor 4 A lot lighter and more flexible than European armor

18 Samurai armor 4 This armor is from the 14th century.

19 Samurai armor 4 This armor is from the 16th century. It is from a lesser degree of samurai. How can you tell???????

20 Arrows 4 The sword was not the only weapon of the Samurai. He was also very handy with Bow.

21 Traditional sword 4 This is the traditional samurai sword made out of bamboo.

22 Samurai swords 4 This is called a Bushido sword. The smaller sword was used to perform seppuku.

23 Samurai Helmet 4 This helmet looks almost like a catchers mask from baseball.

24 Samurai Sword 4 There are several different types of swords. Each samurai's sword was done specifically for him.

25 Shogun Armor 4 Again very elaborate and very light.

26 Helmet 4 Helmet head dressing was done to represent something about the family that the 4 shogun or samurai represented.

27 Body armor 4 This gives you a better idea of how it was connected together.

28 Japanese Castles 4 They are done a little bit different than the European castle.

29 Mountain top castle 4 This was located on a mountain top for obvious reasons.

30 There are different parts to a Japanese castle the next few slides will show the different aspects.

31 HEI (WALLS) 4 These walls had passage way in them. The holes you see allowed soldiers to shoot weapons through them. Triangle was for guns, others were for arrows.

32 HORI (Moats) 4 These moats were curved at the bottom so it was difficult to stand or to get out of the moat. The walls kept going down a angle also.

33 ISIO (rock shute) 4 This shute allowed men to drop rocks on troops attacking or possible boiling water or tar.

34 MON (Gates) 4 There was usually two or three different gates in the castle.

35 YUGAR (storage houses) 4 This storage houses made up the inner walls of the city. At the ends of them they had towers and pathways through them to get to one end of the castle to the next while being protected.

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