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ETHNIC GROUPS OF ASIA. Han  Where: China  Religion: Primary religions—Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism (religion is banned though)  Culture:  Largest.

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Presentation on theme: "ETHNIC GROUPS OF ASIA. Han  Where: China  Religion: Primary religions—Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism (religion is banned though)  Culture:  Largest."— Presentation transcript:


2 Han  Where: China  Religion: Primary religions—Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism (religion is banned though)  Culture:  Largest single ethnic group in the world  Many historical contributions  Chinese holidays—importance of dragon  Large rectangular houses for extended family  Rice staple food  Last name first, first name second  Three classes in society—mandarins, peasants, “mean people”  Languages: Han, Mandarin, Cantonese

3 Han Lantern FestivalChinese language

4 Han Traditional Han ClothingChinese house

5 Mongols  Where: Mongolia  Religion: Buddhism  Culture:  Primarily nomadic  Superstitious  Haircutting ceremony for children  Great oral tradition  Eat a lot of meat & dairy  Very decorative clothing  Ger is traditional home  “Horseback people” & festivals

6 Mongols GerTraditional clothing

7 Mongols Haircutting CeremonyHorse races

8 Hmong  Where: Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar  Religion: Animism & ancestor worship  Culture  Least likely to assimilate in America  They have their own language and religion  Organized into clans  Marriage kidnappings  7 souls  Most foods are boiled, steamed or stir-fried  Strict housing rules

9 Hmong Hmong girlsInside a Hmong house

10 Indo-Aryan (Indian)  Where: India & Pakistan  Religion: Hindu & Islam  Culture:  Arranged marriages  Lots of festivals & ceremonies  Traditional sari  Known for spicy food  Indian dance very important  Bollywood

11 Indo-Aryan SarisScenes from Bollywood

12 Indo-Aryan Indian FoodHoli Festival

13 Bengali  Where: Bangladesh & India  Religion: Islam & Hinduism  Culture:  Language is Bengali, but also speak English & Urdu  Entire community celebrates festivals regardless of religion  Arranged marriages  Similar to Indian food  Saris & Kurtas

14 Bengali CuisineKurta

15 Maylay  Where: Malaysia, parts of Indonesia  Religion: Muslim and animism  Culture:  Lots of Indian influence  Language influences most of SE Asia  Combat arts  Kite flying  Housing accommodates the climate

16 Malay Traditional HouseMalay Kids

17 Korean  Where: North & South Korea  Religion: Religion banned in NK, primarily Christian in SK with some Confucianism & Buddhism  Culture  Family oriented/ancestor honor  Family homes  Some marriages still arranged  Fish & meat eaten, with barley replacing rice in some places  Folk dancing  Gardens are important  Tea ceremonies

18 Korean Traditional HouseBridal robes

19 Ainu  Where: Japan  Religion: traditional tribal religion  Culture:  Language: Ainu  Were racially discriminated against for many years  Fierce fighters  Men have full beards & mustaches  Women often tattooed  Traditional dress is long robes  Primarily eat meat and fish  Reed thatched huts

20 Ainu (Japanese) Traditional HouseAinu clothing & tattoos

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