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Multiple Intelligences Finding the key to your child’s learning style By Amy Ward October 2, 2002 An Educational Theory by: Dr. Howard Gardner Introduction.

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2 Multiple Intelligences Finding the key to your child’s learning style By Amy Ward October 2, 2002 An Educational Theory by: Dr. Howard Gardner Introduction to Education 310 Bob McGrattan

3 The 8 Standard Intelligences  Linguistic  Logical – Mathematical  Spatial  Musical  Bodily – Kinesthetic  Interpersonal  Intrapersonal  Naturalist

4 Linguistic  “word smart” - language mastery - listening - speaking - reading - writing - spelling - vocabulary - cross word puzzles Authors & Comedians

5 Logical - Mathematical  Numbers / logic - formulas - problems - compass - rulers - puzzles and games - patterns Scientists & Detectives

6 Spatial  Pictures - drawing - graphs - constellations - cartoons - posters - mental images - navigation  Artists and Architects

7 Musical  Music - sounds - music - songs - pitch - tone - rhythm  Composers and Musicians

8 Bodily - Kinesthetic  Physical experience - coordination - hands on - blocks and puzzles - arts and crafts - role playing - get up and move!  Dancers, Actors & Athletes

9 Interpersonal  Social experience - group work - relating to others - observant - social  Teachers, Religious Leaders, & Doctors

10 Intrapersonal  Self-reflection - introvert - analyze - thinking - contemplation  Philosophers & Counselors

11 Naturalist  Experience the natural world - field trip! - experiments - work outside - recognize elements  Rangers, Farmers, Vet

12 Final Note  Multiple Intelligence does not mean  Multiple Personality That’s another study!

13 Sources  gests/ed410226.html gests/ed410226.html  tiple_intelligences.htm tiple_intelligences.htm   http://www.acceleratedlearningnetwor http://www.acceleratedlearningnetwor  Teaching Today 6 th Edition

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