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Sousa vs. Bieber A throwdown of epic proportions.

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1 Sousa vs. Bieber A throwdown of epic proportions

2 Round 1: Early Life SOUSA At age of 6, he began to study voice, violin, piano, flute, cornet, baritone, trombone and alto horn. Sousa ran away when he was 13 to join a circus band - instead, his dad enlisted him in the marine band as an apprentice. (his dad played trombone in the marine band)...he literally tried to run away and join the circus... thats awesome. BIEBER At age of 12 Bieber finished 2 nd in a talent competition in his hometown in Canada... Played drums his mom got him, but no formal training. Vids went viral.

3 Round 2: Musical connections Dad played in Marine Band, so he knew basically everybody in the scene. Took music theory and composition lessons with famous musicians in the D.C. area. Posted videos on YouTube that went viral. A chance meeting with Usher led to an eventual record contract.

4 Touring 15,632 concerts in America over the 40 years he toured with his band. -which is 14,600 days Four Europe tours One global tour. Thousands attended concerts. Bieber has toured predominantly in the U.S. And the U.K. He has sold out arenas all over the world. “MY World” tour grossed over 53 million dollars!

5 Recording The phonograph was a relatively new invention, and the Columbia Phonograph Company sought a military band to record. The Marine Band was chosen, and 60 cylinders were released in the fall of 1890. By 1897, more than 400 different titles were available for sale, placing Sousa's marches among the first and most popular pieces ever recorded, and making the Marine Band one of the world's first "recording stars." Debut album “my world” has gone platinum in many countries He became the first artist to have seven songs from a debut album chart on the billboard Hot 100 TONS of other awards.

6 Popularity Known as the “MARCH KING” 1898 musical courier “It is Sousa in the band, Sousa in the orchestra, Sousa in the phonograph, Sousa in the hand organ, Sousa in the music box, Sousa everywhere” Music Video for “baby” is the most viewed and commented on video on YouTube. -currently over 720 million views. “Bieber Fever”... the equivalent of “Sousa swine flu”?

7 Persona March King -patriotism -masculinity -balance between cultural sophistication and everyday musical sensibilities. -thus could target all of the U.S. YouTube vids with non-professional equipment creates image closeness to audience. Swagger coach/created a “streetwise look” Speech mimicking rappers

8 Facial Hair -Sousa The best in the business

9 Facial Hair - Bieber None....YET!

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