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1 Forms and Reports Introduction: Forms and reports are important part of data base application. Designers use them to create an integrated application,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Forms and Reports Introduction: Forms and reports are important part of data base application. Designers use them to create an integrated application,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Forms and Reports Introduction: Forms and reports are important part of data base application. Designers use them to create an integrated application, making it easier to users to perform their tasks. Years ago forms where used primarily as input devices, and reports were used to display results. Forms are used to collect data, display results of queries, and perform computations. A report can be used for direct manipulation of objects

2 2 Basic uses of database forms Collect Data Display Query Results Display Analysis and Computations Switchboard for other Forms and Reports Direct Manipulation of Objects – Graphics – Drag and Drop

3 3 Effective Design of Reports and Forms The most important concept to remember when designing forms and reports is to understand that they are the primary contact with the users. Some forms will be used for heads-down data entry  where touch typists concentrate or entering data with out looking at the screen.

4 4 Human Factors Design  User Control  Match user tasks.  Application responds to user control & events.  User customization  Consistency  Layout, Design & colors  Actions  Clarity  Organization  Purpose  Terminology  Aesthetics  Art to enhance, graphics  Sound  Feedback  Methods  Visual  Text  Audio  Uses  Acceptance of input  Changes to data  Completion of tasks  Events / Activation  Forgiveness  Anticipation and correction of errors  Confirmation on delete and updates  Backup and recovery

5 5 Human Factors Design Examples ExamplesHuman factors Match user tasks Respond to user control and events User control Layout, design and colors Actions Consistency Organization Purpose and terminology Clarity Art to enhance Graphics and sounds Aesthetics Methods : Visual, Text, Audio Uses: Acceptance of input, Changes to data, Completions of tasks, Events/Activation Feedback Anticipation of correctness of errors Confirmation on deletes and updates Back up and recovery Forgiveness

6 6 Windows Interface Standards  The Windows Interface: An Application Design Guide (Microsoft)  Navigation and Choices  Mouse, Icons  Keyboard, Short-cuts  Menus  Selections from a list  Single  Contiguous Multiple  Disjoint Multiple  Focus  Outline box  Cursor  Manipulation  Activation  Drag and Drop  Feedback  Progress indicators and status gauges  Flashing  Tool tips  Status bar  3-D controls  Message boxes

7 7 Windows Interface Window components – Frame (sizing) – Title bar – Control-menu box – Buttons Minimize Maximize Close Scroll box (thumb) Scroll bar The Control menu box: provides standards commands to move, resize, and close the form. Scroll bars: enable the users to scroll form horizontally and vertically. The biggest difference between the pop-up menu and a standard, fixed menu is that the pop-pup menu is usually context sensitive. A context-sensitive menu: is one that changes depending on the object selected by the user.

8 8 Windows Menus  Menus  Drop-down  Short Cut Keys  Mnemonic character  Pop-up (as needed)

9 9 Message Box (A Simple Form)  Message Boxes  Title  Message  Simple buttons  Icons  Modal (required)  Massage box: is a simple form with a few buttons. (used for interrupt the user’s task, it’s generally used to warn he user of problems or to offer immediate choices)

10 10 Interface / Accessibility  Multiple Input Methods  Keyboard  Mouse  Voice  Multiple Output  Visual  Sound  Color  Some Suggestions:  Beware of Red/Green.  Avoid requiring rapid user responses.  Avoid rapid flashing on the screen.  Give users customization options.  Volume  Color  Typefaces & Fonts

11 11 Form Layout  Your will be working with four basic types of forms:  Tabular forms (display data in rows and columns)  Single-row forms: which show data for one row at a time and in which the designer can arrange the values in any format on the screen.  subform forms: which display data from tow tables that have one-to many relationship.  switchboard forms (or menus): which direct the user to other forms and reports in the application.

12 12 Form Layout  Controls: placed on a form to display or collect data ( include labels and text boxes).  A form’s style is defined by its property settings.  Form behavior is controlled by creating actions in response to form events.  Users can usually use the Tab key to move to the next control in a sequence, which known as the tab order.  The control that has the focus will receive keystroke entered by the user.

13 13 Tabular forms  Works best for single table.  One of the simplest forms.  Designer can control data entry sequence.  Probably include buttons for sorting.  It can be used as a subform and rarely used as stand a-lone.  The primary feature is it can displays multiple rows of data for editing  Commonly used as subform.

14 14 Single-Row or Columnar Forms  Data for only one row.  Designer can set optimal layout.  Similar in appearance to paper forms.  Can use color, graphics, and command buttons to make the form easier to use.  Note the importance of the navigation buttons.  Probably want a Find command.  Useful to include subforms.

15 15 Sub-Forms

16 16 Switchboard Forms  Blank Form  Graphics/Picture/Background  Identify User  Choose Task  The buttons match the user’s tasks.

17 17 Menu Design  When designing applications, you should organize the application to match the processes users perform

18 18 Menus  Consistency  With operating environment  Within project  Pull-down  Name, Action  Shortcut keys  Access keys (&File, File)  Breaks/groups (-)  Dimmed option  Check mark  Submenus (>)  Logical groupings  Tradeoff: length v depth  Form indicator (…)  Pop-up  Miniature form  Tied to location/pointer  Right-mouse button  Attribute settings  Modal (keeps focus) or not

19 19 Queries  Queries are used to automatically look up data.  e.g., Customer name  e.g., Product description  Be very careful when using queries.  Each form should store data in only one table.  For multiple tables, use a subform or separate forms.  Usually Lock the look up data so it cannot be changed accidentally.

20 20 Form Query Example  Clerk enters a CustomerID.  Stored in the Order table.  Query joins Sale and Customer.  Automatically matches the CustomerID.  Matching name is displayed on the form.  Do not include the join column (CustomerID) from the look up table (Customer). Customer Order 1234 SaleID 17 CustomerID 7/25/01 Date CarlyEmbry

21 21 Updateable Queries  The issue of multiple tables on a form is related to the problem of updateable queries.  It is possible to put carefully selected columns form multiple tables on a single form.

22 22 Updateable Queries  (Basing the Order form on a query. The query contains all the columns form the Sale table and some columns form the Customer table. The query must never include the CustomerID column from the Customer table, which is the column used to join the two tables.)  To remain updateable the query must not include the primary key (CustomerID) form the customer table.  One potential drawback to this approach is that whenever a new CustomerID is entered into a sale, the form must make a trip to the database to look up the matching customer data. Consequently, some forms systems do not support this approach.

23 23 Linked forms These forms might be displayed separately, or they might be separate sections displayed on a single form. This latter approach is used for parent/child forms, where the child form contains data from a second table that has one-to-many link to the parent form. Linked forms work by using a query to match the data displayed in the secondary form to a key value from the original form. Each related portion of the data can be displayed in separate form or region.

24 24 Properties and Controls 1-Data  Base Table / Query  Filters  Sort 2-Integrity  Edits  Additions, Deletions  Locks 3-Other  Pop-up menus  Menu Bar  Help (Basic properties for forms. At a minimum, set the data source and basic format properties. Additional properties ensure consistency, protect data, and make the form easier). 4-Format  Caption  Scroll Bars  Record Selectors  Navigation Buttons  Size and Centering  Background/Pictures  Colors  Tab Order

25 25 Controls on Forms

26 26 Controls on Forms  Label Control and Text Boxes:  The label : is plain text that cannot be changed directly by the user.  The text box: is used to display data form the database and to enter new values.  A control that retrieves and stores data in a table is called a bound control because any data that is changed is automatically stored in the table.  Command Buttons:  Typically have only one function.  The triggered event is (On_Clict event).  Commands buttons are the main component of switchboard form, where they are used to open related forms.  Check Boxes and Option Buttons:  There are essentially two methods of making choices :  Mutually exclusive (Option button) (you can choose one option only)  Multiple selection (Check boxes).

27 27 Controls on Forms

28 28 Graphics Features.

29 29 Combo & List Boxes  User selects from a list  Combo box can enter new data, or restrict to list.  Two basic uses:  Insert a value into a table Choose from a list of preset options, e.g. gender. Select from a different table, e.g., choose a customer.  Find the data record in this form that matches the choice.  Be careful! Many systems do not distinguish between the two uses (enter data and search).  Example when you want to use data entry:  On a sales form, use a combo box for customer.  It takes a value from the Customer table and inserts the ID into the Sale table.  Example when you want to use a search:  On a Customer edit form, you might use a combo to search the Customer table.  Be sure the combo is not bound to the table!  Probably need to write code for search.

30 30 Combo Box  ControlSource sets the column to receive the choice (in the Sale table)  RowSource generates the list of data to display.  Uses standard SQL.  Note 4 columns displayed.  First column is the one to store in the data table. SELECT Customer.CustomerID, Customer.LastName, Customer.FirstName, Customer.Phone FROM Customer ORDER BY Customer.LastName; NameCustomerID ControlSourceCustomerID Format DecimalPlacesAuto InputMask RowSource/TypeTable/Query RowSourceSELECT... ColumnCount4 ColumnHeadsNo ColumnWidths... BoundColumn1

31 31 Combo Box Sources  Microsoft Access supports three methods:  Fixed list.  Query from a table.  Defined function.  With some systems (e.g., Visual Basic), you write code to generate each list entry.  You might use a fixed list for simple lists like “male”, “female”, “unknown”.  It is better to query from a table, even for simple lists.  Use a one column table.  Easier to add to a table than to change a combo box.  Useful feature of list combo box.  The Row Source property is a text string.  This string can be generated by code.  List entries can be changed in response to user actions.  Programmed function.  For straightforward cases, it is easier to use a fixed list and just change the text.  More complex cases, you can write a subroutine that generates the list choices following a specific format.

32 32 Complex Controls  The Tab, Calendar and Grid Control (enables you to display data in a spreadsheet layout)  not easy to use  need to write short program.

33 33 Charts  Two basic types of charts are used  graphs that show details form the currently displayed row. (Detail graphs)  graphs that display summary data across all of the rows. (Summary graphs)  The difference between them lies in the level of data displayed (Detail graphs change with each row of data displayed. Summary graphs are usually generated form totals or averages.)

34 34 Charts

35 35 Multiple Forms  Connect forms with matching data. The customer form is opened to display the data corresponding to the customer already entered in the Sale form.

36 36 Multiple Forms  (Copying data from a different form. The default AnimalID is copied into the Sale form from the Animal table. Likewise, the subtotal is first computed on the subform and then copied to the main form.)

37 37 International attributes  When creating a forms and reports for international use, be careful to consider different format for character and data:  Language  Character sets and punctuation marks  Sorting  Data formats  Date  Time  Metric v English  Currency symbol and format  Separators (decimal,...)  Phone numbers  Separators  International code prefix  Postal codes  National ID Numbers  Unicode: is an international standard to store and display characters form virtually any language.

38 38 Direct Manipulation of Graphical Objects  Direct manipulation of objects: instead of typing in commands, the user can drag an item form one location on the screen to another to indicate a change.

39 39 Creating a Graphical Approach  Get the hardware.  Images: Scanners  Sound: Microphone and Sound card  Video: Camera and capture card  Lots of disk space.  High speed processors.  Add an object column to your table definition.  Design the screens.  Be creative.  Get user input.  Make the user’s job easier.  Avoid using graphics just for show.  Double-click  Drag-and-drop  Programming!

40 40 Report Design  Report usage/user needs.  Report layout choices.  Tabular  Columns/Subgroups  Charts/graphs  Paper sizes.  Printer constraints.  How often is it generated?  Events that trigger report?  How large is the report?  Number of copies?  Colors?  Security controls  Distribution list  Unique numbering  Concealed/non-printed data  Secured printers  Transmission limits  Print queue controls  Output concerns  Typefaces Readability Size User disabilities  OCR needs

41 41 Terminology  Font size is generally specified in terms of points.

42 42 Basic Report Types  Tabular Report :  Tabular reports have few options but are good for detailed data listings. They are used for itemized listings of data.

43 43 Basic Report Types  Label Report  Label report layout: this three-up report is commonly used to point on label paper. It can be used for small sets of data that need to be printed across a page.

44 44 Basic Report Types  Column.  Column with groups.

45 45 Groups or Subtotals Reports  The most common type of report is based on groups and computes subtotals.  The key to the subtotal report is to note that it includes both detail item listings (item ordered, quantity, cost, etc) and group or total data (order date, customer, and order total).  (Several orders are being printed. Each order has a detailing section of items being ordered. The report can compute subtotals for each order and a total for the entire report.)

46 46 Report Layout

47 47 Report Layout/Common Use  Report Header  Title pages that are printed one time for entire report.  Page Header  Title lines or page notes that are printed at the top of every page.  Group Header  Data for a group (e.g., Order) and headings for the detail section.  Detail  Innermost data.  Group Footer  Subtotals for the group.  Page Footer  Printed at the bottom of every page--page totals or page numbers and notes.  Report Footer  Printed one time at the end of the report. Summary notes, overall totals and graphs for entire data set.

48 48 Report Layout/Groups  Often use groups/breaks for one-to-many relationships.  Use a query to join all necessary tables.  Can include all columns.  Use query to create computed columns (e.g., Extended: Price*Quantity).  Avoid creating aggregates or subtotals in the query.  Each one-to-many relationship becomes a new subgroup.  Customer(C#, Name, …)  Order(O#, C#, Odate, …)  OrderItem(O#, Item#, Qty, …) Report of Orders Rpt footer: graph orders by customer Group1: Customer H1: Customer name, address, … F1: Customer total orders: Group2: Order H2: Order#, Odate, Salesperson. F2: Order total: Sum(Extended) Detail: Item#, Qty, Extended

49 49 Report Graphs  Graphs  Separate query.  Detail  Locate in detail or group footer section.  Avoid aggregation and groups in query.  Include column that links to detail query in report.  Subtotals and totals  Typically located in report footer or header.  Compare group totals  Relies on Group By and aggregation.  Be sure query groups match report groups.

50 50 Report Graphs

51 51 Application features  Modern applications have several features that are designed to standardized the look three features are particularly important: 1) Menus. 2) Toolbars 3) Help systems. 1. Purpose of menus: 1) It can limit user actions 2) Simplifies the user interface 3) Add custom actions. 4) Menus can be activated by keystrokes.  Accessibility  Touch-typists and heads-down data entry

52 52 Application features 2. Toolbars:  Are usually implemented on toolbars.  Generally contains a collection of buttons and menu items.  Most toolbars are dockable, which means that the users can drag them to any place on the application windows.  The purpose of toolbar is to provide single-click access to complex actions or to commands that are used frequently.  Most system enable you to define a tooltip for recognize an icon or understand what it represents.

53 53 Application features 3- Custom Help  As much as possible, the help messages should be context sensitive. The users should be presented with information that is designed to help with the specific task they are working on at the time.  It’s much easier to create Help files for the newer system using hypertext markup language (HTML).  From a design perspective, it is crucial that you first design a style for your Help system and define that style using a cascading style sheet. A style sheet sets the typeface, font size, colors and margins. The power of a style sheet is that you define all of the layout options in one place.

54 54 Glossary  Accessibility: A design goal to make the application usable by as many users as possible, including those with physical challenges. One solution is to support multiple inputs and output methods.  Aesthetics: An application design goal, where layout, colors, and artwork are used to improve the appearance of the application-not detract from it. By its nature, the value of any design is subjective.  Bound control: A control on a form that is tied to a column in the database. When data is entered or changed, the changes are automatically saved to the data table.  Check box: A square button that signifies a choice. By the design guide, users can select multiple options with check boxes, as opposed to option buttons that signify mutually exclusive choices.  Command button: A button on a form that is designed to be clicked. The designer writes the code that is activated when the button is clicked.  Consistency: The goal of making an application easier to use by using the same features, colors, and commands throughout. Modern  Context-sensitive menu: A menu that changes depending on the object selected by the user.

55 55 Glossary  Controls: The generic term for an item placed on a form. Typical controls consist of text boxes, combo boxes, and labels.  Direct manipulation of objects: A graphical interface method that is designed to mimic realworld actions. For example, you can copy files by dragging an icon from one location to another.  Dockable: A toolbar that users can drag to any location on the application window. It is generally customized with options and buttons to perform specific tasks.  Drag-and-drop: A graphical interface technique where actions are defined by holding down a mouse key, dragging an icon, and dropping the icon on a new object.  Feedback: A design feature where the application provides information to the user as tasks are accomplished or errors arise. Feedback can be provided in many forms (e.g., messages, visual cues, or audible reminders).  Focus: In a window environment, a form or control has focus when it is the one that will receive keystrokes. It is usually highlighted.

56 56 Glossary  Group break: A report that splits data into groups. The split-point is called a break. Also known as a control break.  Heads-down data entry: Iyyy.  Help system: Touch typists concentrate on entering data without looking at the screen. Forms for this task should minimize keystrokes and use audio cues.  Human factors design: An attempt to design computer systems that best accommodate human users.  Hypertext markup language (HTML): A display standard that is used to create documents to be shared on the Internet. Several generators will create HTML documents from standard word processor files.  List box: A control on a form that displays a list of choices. The list is always displayed and takes up a fixed amount of space on the screen.  Menu: A set of application commands grouped together-usually on a toolbar. It provides an easy reference for commonly used commands and highlights the structure of the application.

57 57 Glossary  Modal form: A form that takes priority on the screen and forces the user to deal with it before  Option button: A round button that is used to indicate a choice. By the design guide, option buttons signify mutually exclusive choices, as opposed to check boxes.  Page footer: A report element that appears at the bottom of every page. Often used for page numbers.  Page header: A report element that appears at the top of every page. Often used for column headings and subtitles.  Report footer: A report element that appears at the end of the report. Often used for summary statistics or graphs.  Report header: A report element that appears only at the start of the report. Often used for title pages and overviews.  Scroll bars: A common graphical interface feature used to move material horizontally or vertically.

58 58 Glossary  Single-row form: An input form that displays data from one row of a table at a time. The most common input form, since the designer has full control over the layout of the form.  Style sheet: A special file that describes the desired layout, fonts, and styles for a set of Web pages. It is a powerful method to establish and change styles on many Web pages through making minor changes to one file.  Subform from: A form that is displayed inside another (main) form. The data in the subform is generally linked to the row currently being displayed on the main form.  Switchboard form: A form that is used to direct users to different parts of the application. Often used as the first form to appear. Options on the form should match the tasks of the users.  Tab order: The sequence of controls followed on a form when the user presses the tab or return keys.  Tabular form: An input form that displays data in columns and rows. It is used when there are few columns of data or when the user needs to see multiple rows at the same time.

59 59 Glossary  Toolbar: A small object in applications that can hold buttons and text menus. Users can execute commands with one or two mouse clicks. Used to hold frequently used commands, and commands that are used across the entire application, such as printing.  tooltip: A short message that is displayed when the user moves the mouse cursor over an item on the screen. Extremely useful for identifying the purpose of icons.  Unicode: A standard method of storing and displaying a variety of character sets. Almost all current world character sets have been defined, as wells several ancient languages. It uses 2 bytes to represent each character, enabling it to handle over 65,000 characters or ideograms.

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