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Sonnets. Poetic Terms & Definitions Metaphor A direct comparison between two things. Examples: Life is a dream Love is a vale of tears. Life is a hard.

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Presentation on theme: "Sonnets. Poetic Terms & Definitions Metaphor A direct comparison between two things. Examples: Life is a dream Love is a vale of tears. Life is a hard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sonnets

2 Poetic Terms & Definitions Metaphor A direct comparison between two things. Examples: Life is a dream Love is a vale of tears. Life is a hard road.

3 Extended Metaphor: A metaphor that is extended throughout a poem.Does NOT contain the words like or as. Quatrain: A stanza or poem of four lines. Sonnet(“little song”): A poem of fourteen lines; usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter. Rhyme Scheme: The pattern of end rhyme in a poem; charter by assigning a letter to each line.

4 Two Most Common Forms of a Sonnet 1) Petrarchan (Italian) sonnet: a) 14 lines long, made up of two parts- n eight line section (octave) followed by a six-line section (sestet). The octave usually raises an issue, asks a question or poses a problem. The sestet “solves” it or responds to it. Rhyme Scheme: Octave: a, b, b, aa, b, b, a Sestet: (varies) c,d,ec,d,eORc,d,cd, c, d

5 1) Elizabethan (Shakespearean) sonnet: a) 14 lines long. Consists of three quatrains and a final couplet. Rhyme Scheme: a, b, a, b c, d, c, d e, f, e, f g, g A third, but less common form of sonnet is the Spenserian sonnet: 3) Spenserian sonnet: 14 lines long variation of the Shakespearean sonnet but uses an interlocking rhyme scheme. The second rhyme in the next quatrain: Rhyme Scheme: a, b, a, b b, c, b, c c, d, c, d e, e

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