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Wireless Case Study A presentation by Brian Settlage & Andrew List Professor Anup Majumder TM589 Wireless Communication Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Wireless Case Study A presentation by Brian Settlage & Andrew List Professor Anup Majumder TM589 Wireless Communication Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wireless Case Study A presentation by Brian Settlage & Andrew List Professor Anup Majumder TM589 Wireless Communication Systems

2 The Case Study Our organization has leased a building next door to the existing building. The local area networks in the new building have to be linked somehow with the old building.

3 Assumptions made This is important because these assumptions are what is the best choice. #1 (3 parts) the network usage per building is 7 Mbps per second per person at the height of usage. (they stream lots of video) (pt 2) 70 people per building (pt 3) a total need of 980Mbps (close to 1Gbps)

4 Proposed Solution FSO (free space optics) these solutions use high frequency infrared light to transmit a line of sight signal from one transceiver to another.

5 FSO video YPlY This video was cut together for this presentation from videos found at ideo.html ideo.html

6 Benefits of this solution High rates of data Full Duplex Cheaper than multiple point to point microwave half duplex towers No digging or permits required

7 Downsides Fog presents a problem as it diffuses the light needed for transmission Line of sight Beam can be blocked (intentionally as an attack)

8 Total Cost of Ownership (operation expenses) purchasing the electricity needed to run it training those responsible for its operation on how to use and maintain it Maintenance costs

9 Capital Cost Information The distance that needs to be covered is 657’ or 200.253meters Using the chart on the next page one can estimate the cost of the FSO solution


11 Also see how this compares with the runner up (point to point microwave)

12 Capital Expenses Capital Expenses for deploying an FSO solution are less than a traditional wired connection. An FSO solution means freedom from licensing and regulation fees since the need for running traditional cabling is reduced

13 Line of Sight FSO requires line of sight access in order to work FSO transceivers can be mounted inside buildings reducing the need for roof space May need to contact building owner depending on selection location for mounting

14 Security The FSO connection should be encrypted to offer the highest degree of security protection. Since the FSO connection does not use traditional electromagnetic waves, it is less susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks.

15 Conclusion Free Space Optics (FSO) is the recommended solution for networking these two buildings FSO is the most cost effective method and will deliver faster speeds than a traditional wireless connection No permits are needed for deployment Encryption of the connection will provide the strongest level of security Line of sight must be maintained

16 Questions?

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