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Published byPaul Copeland Modified over 8 years ago
MLA Documentation Tutorial How to Cite Using MLA Style
■ How and when to cite within your text according to the MLA style ■ How to create a Works Cited page, citing a variety of sources: ■ Print ■ Electronic ■ Media ■ What to do if you come across something unusual not covered in this tutorial What Will this Tutorial Cover?
What is MLA? MLA stands for Modern Language Association which promulgates guidelines for preparing student research papers and projects and scholarly manuscripts in the humanities. “MLA style” refers to a system of citing research sources.
Why Should I Cite? Citing identifies and credits sources used in a research paper or project, acknowledging their role in shaping your research. This also allows others to follow-up on or retrieve this material. When you borrow from other sources to support your argument or research you must give proper credit. By crediting your sources, you avoid plagiarism. If you do not cite a source, you are guilty of plagiarism. Plagiarism is a form of cheating or stealing. It is the unacknowledged use or appropriation of another person’s words or ideas.
When Should I Cite? Many students plagiarize unintentionally. Remember, whenever you summarize, paraphrase or quote another author's material you must properly credit your source. If you are using another person’s idea, you must also cite your source! My mother always said, “Make your bed” (Mom 12). When in doubt, give credit to your source!
Summary, Paraphrase, Quote ■ A summary (aka ‘abstract’) briefly captures the main ideas of your source ■ A paraphrase is a restatement of the text of your source in your own words ■ Quotations can be direct (using quotation marks) or indirect (no quotation marks and often introduced by ‘that’) ■ A noted scientist states, “A hundred years ago, the average temperature of the earth was about 13.7°C (56.5°F); today, it is closer to 14.4°C (57.9°F)” (Silver 11). ■ A noted scientist observes that the earth’s current average temperature is 57.9°F compared to 56.5°F a hundred years ago (Silver 11). In any of these cases, you must credit your source
How Do I Cite? There are two parts to citing according to MLA style: 1. Brief In-text citations (in parentheses) within the body of your essay or paper 2. List of full citations in the Works Cited page at the end of your paper Note: References cited in the text must appear in the Works Cited. Conversely, each entry in the Works Cited must be cited in the text.
MLA provides these guidelines for citations: In-text: “References in the text must clearly point to specific sources in the list of works cited” (Gibaldi 214). Works Cited: “Identify the location of the borrowed information as specifically as possible” (Gibaldi 215).
In-Text Citations Place the parenthetical reference at the end of the sentence before the punctuation mark. ■ The average world temperature is rising at an alarming rate of 200 degrees Celsius per year (Polar 188). You must provide information that will allow the reader to locate exactly where you found information in your sources. Usually this is the author's last name and a page number, for example: (Polar 188)
In-Text Citations, Continued If you use an author's name in a sentence (known as a “signal phrase”), do not use it again in the parenthetical citation. Simply give the page numbers: ■ Polar argues that global warming will help heat our jacuzzis (122). If there is no known author, use the title and page number in your citation: ■ A single car trip from Los Angeles to San Francisco produces more pollution than a tree does in its entire lifetime (Save My Greenhouse 47).
Other Citation Possibilities More than one page: Smith states some interesting facts about the changing world temperature (123-25). Citing two (page) locations from your source: Jones alludes to this premise (136-39, 145). Two works cited: (Taylor 54; Thomas 327) When you cite more than one work by the same author in your paper, indicate which work in your parenthetical citation: Everyone hates global warming (Smith, Our Environment 87). When possible, give only the last two digits for the second number Author Comma Title Page Number Cite as you normally would and separate citations with a semicolon
In-Text Citations- Electronic Sources If possible, electronic and online sources are cited just like print resources in parenthetical references. Often electronic resources will not have page numbers. In these cases omit numbers from the parenthetical reference: (Smith) – the author’s last name (“Bovine Flatulence A Major Source of Greenhouse Gases”) – if no author
Works Cited Page The Works Cited Page appears at the end of your paper on its own page. Everything you referenced in your text must be listed in your Works Cited page. Conversely, everything you list in the Works Cited page must be cited in your essay. The Works Cited page provides the information needed for a reader to find and retrieve any source used in your paper.
Sample Works Cited Page *Sources are listed alphabetically Indent all lines after the first ½ inch for each work listed *The entire Works Cited page is double-spaced Title “Works Cited” is centered at the top of the page Be sure that each citation has a format descriptor (properly placed within the citation); e.g., Web, Print, Film All citations end in a period (.)
Most Citations Will Include: ■ Author ■ Title ■ Publication information ■ Format descriptor Gore, Albert. An Inconvenient Truth: The Crisis of Global Warming. New York: Viking, 2007. Print. Period Italicized Title Last Name, First Period City Colon Publisher Comma Year Period For a book, most of this information can be found on the title page and obverse of the title page. Format descriptor Period
General Tips: Print Resources Book titles are italicized: An Inconvenient Truth: The Crisis of Global Warming Article titles and titles of chapters, essays and short stories appear in quotes: "The Scientific Case for Modern Anthropogenic Global Warming." If more than one author is given, list first author’s “Last Name, First.” The second or third authors should be listed “First Name Last Name” with “and” connecting the last name: Singer, Fred S., Christopher Hogwood, and Dennis T. Avery.
Books What Should Be Included? Author(s) or Editor(s). Complete title. Edition (if indicated). Place of publication: Publisher, Date of publication. Format descriptor. Gore, Albert. An Inconvenient Truth: The Crisis of Global Warming. New York Viking 2007. Print. If several cities are listed, give only the first
Book Examples With one author: Gore, Albert. An Inconvenient Truth: The Crisis of Global Warming. New York: Viking, 2007. Print. With two to three authors: Singer, S. Fred and Dennis T. Avery. Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008. Print. List the first author Last Name, First, but the second First Name then Last. Italicize title of book Use a colon between the main title and the subtitle Remember to indent the second line ½ inch Postal codes for states of lesser-known cities
Books, Continued Editors as authors: Schmandt, Jurgen and Judith Clarkson, eds. The Regions and Global Warming: Impacts and Response Strategies. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992. Print. Book by a corporate author: National Research Council. China and Global Change: Opportunities for Collaboration. Washington: Natl. Acad., 1992. Print. For books with editors, list the editor’(s) name(s) followed by “eds.” Cite a book by corporate author
Two or More Sources by the Same Author: Firor, John. The Changing Atmosphere: A Global Challenge. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2009. Print. ---. The Crowded Greenhouse: Population, Climate change, and Creating a Sustainable World. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2002. Print. For the second listing by the same author, type three hyphens and a period in place of the name.
Periodical Articles What Should Be Included? Author(s). Article title in quotes. Periodical title (journal, magazine, etc.) italicized. Volume #.Issue # Publication date (abbreviate months, if used): Page numbers of the article. Format descriptor. Depends on the type of periodical: Newspaper, Magazine, or Journal But they generally require this information
What Should Be Included? Journal Articles Author(s). Article Title in Quotes Periodical Title (journal, magazine, etc.) Italicized. Volume #.Issue # Publication Date (abbreviate months, if used): Page Numbers of the Article. Format. Farley, John W. "The Scientific Case for Modern Anthropogenic Global Warming." Monthly Review 60.3 (2008): 68-90. Print.
Articles Journal: Farley, John W. "The Scientific Case for Modern Anthropogenic Global Warming." Monthly Review 60.3 (2008): 68-90. Print. Magazine: Manthorpe, Catherine. "Feminists Look at Science." New Scientist 7 Mar. 1985: 29-31. Print. Newspaper: Tilgham, Shirley M. "Science vs. Women--A Radical Solution." New York Times 26 Jan. 1993, late ed.: F1+. Print. Article title in quotes Italicize the name of the journal, magazine or newspaper Volume 60 Issue 3 If available give complete date: day, month and year If a newspaper article continues on another page, write only the first page number and a plus sign
General Tips Electronic Resources Dates: It is very important that you always include the date you accessed the electronic or online source. You should also include the date the source was published or last updated. Database: Indicate the name of the database, like ProQuest or LexisNexis, italics. Format descriptor: Indicate that it’s a web source with the word, Web.
Internet Sources What Should Be Included? Author(s), if available: Title of the document. Title of scholarly project, database, periodical, or website. Date electronic publication was last updated. Name of the organization sponsoring or associated with the site. Format descriptor. Date when you accessed the source. “Global Warming.” Stanford Solar Center. 2008. Stanford University. Web. 4 Apr. 2010
Websites Climate Change. 24 Jul 2008. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Web. 4 Apr. 2010. “Global Warming.” Stanford Solar Center. 2008. Stanford University. Web. 4 Apr. 2010. Date accessed Abbreviate the month Date source was last updated
Electronic Articles Journal: Laurance, William F. "Can Carbon Trading Save Vanishing Forests?" Bioscience 58.4 (2008): 286- 87. ProQuest. Web. 4 Apr. 2010. Database, italicized Access date Volume #.Issue# (Year of publication)
Electronic Articles, Continued Newspaper: Ball, Jeffrey N. “Warming Program Draws Fire; Fund Designed to Spur Renewable Energy Subsidizes Gas Plants." Wall Street Journal [New York, N.Y.] 11 Jul 2008, Eastern edition: A.1. Web. 4 Apr. 2010. Date of access Format descriptor Date article was published Place of publication is in brackets when it is not explicitly indicated in the publication itself
Electronic Books Sweet, William. Kicking the Carbon Habit: Global Warming and the Case for Renewable and Nuclear Energy. New York: Columbia University Press, 2006. NetLibrary. Web. 4 Apr. 2010. Moser, Susanne C. Creating a Climate for Change: Communicating Climate Change and Facilitating Social Change. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge UP, 2007. NetLibrary. Web. 4 Aug. 2010. Again, include date of access and format descriptor “University Press” can be abbreviated “UP”
Media Sources Multimedia sources can also be used and cited Media sources (examples): TV & radio broadcasts Films & video recordings Sound recordings Format descriptors: Television; Radio Film; DVD; Video Recording CD; Sound Recording
Media Sources What Should Be Included? ■ “Title of The Episode.” ■ Title of program or series. ■ Name(s) of director(s), performer(s), narrator(s) ■ Name of Network. ■ Call Letters and City of Station. ■ DD MMM. YYYY. ■ Format descriptor “The Yada Yada” Seinfeld Perf. Elaine Benes, George Constanza, Cosmo Kramer, and Jerry Seinfeld National Broadcasting Corp. KNBC, Los Angeles 24 Apr. 1997 Television.
Works Cited Badu, Eryka. “Rimshot.” Eryka Badu Live. Universal Records. 1997. CD. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Dir. Niels Arden Oplev. Perf. Noomi Rapace and Michael Nyquist. Music Box. 2009. Film. Joyce, James. Ulysses. Perf. Jim Norton and Marcella Riordan. Naxos Audiobooks. 2004. CD. “The Yada Yada.” Seinfeld. Perf. Elaine Benes, George Constanza, Cosmo Kramer, and Jerry Seinfeld. National Broadcasting Corp. KNBC, Los Angeles, 24 Apr. 1997. Television.
Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7th ed. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2009. Print. Trimmer, Joseph F. A Guide to MLA Documentation: with an Appendix to APA Style. 8 th ed. Boston: Wadsworth, 2010. Print. If you come across anything not mentioned in this presentation or need further information, consult the MLA Handbook in the library! There are many more examples and much useful information inside! The MLA ‘Bible’
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