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castle,’ an old, dark, scary looking place that we tried to avoid. I told him to stay there. After Sarah had passed, I went back to get my brother. He.

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Presentation on theme: "castle,’ an old, dark, scary looking place that we tried to avoid. I told him to stay there. After Sarah had passed, I went back to get my brother. He."— Presentation transcript:


2 castle,’ an old, dark, scary looking place that we tried to avoid. I told him to stay there. After Sarah had passed, I went back to get my brother. He was gone. A Babysitting Nightmare Continue… It all started when my mom asked me to take my younger brother out for Halloween. I didn’t want to, but I had no choice if I wanted to play with my friends on Saturday. I told Tommy to stay with me. Everything was fine until I saw Sarah. Sarah was the cutest girl in school- I couldn’t let her see me with my little brother. I pushed Tommy behind the hedge of ‘the

3 As I turned to walk away I heard a scream. “Tommy!” I yelled. The scream came from behind the door. The door was unlocked, so I went in … I had to find him. He must have gone up to the door of the castle looking for candy. Maybe he was inside I thought. I ran up to the door and knocked. No one answered. I knocked once more … no answer. Click on the door to enter.

4 Tommy was in here somewhere and I had to find him. Ahead of me were two doors. It looked like one door went up into the attic and the other down into the basement. Which one should I go through? Click on this door to enter the basement. Click on this door to enter the attic.

5 Click to go back. I entered the attic… And I saw a tornado and I spotted my brother was in the middle of the tornado. Story Map- Delete enter Go home

6 Click to go back. I entered the basement… And suddenly I fell into a black. I see my brother at the bottom.should I go down the black hole or get help? Story Map- Delete Go GET HELP

7 Story Map- Delete As I walk into this vortex I was spinning out of control and them just as I reached my brothers hand I had a heart attack and died.

8 Story Map- Delete As I was running to get help I tripped and fell into mud so as I was sprinting it took me forever to get there. I busted open the door and screamed help he is in a I tell them it was my fault or blame him Blame him Blame me

9 Story Map- Delete So I jumped into this black whole and I end up saying bye to my brother as we were falling down and as soon as we touched the ground we died of heart attaches.’

10 Story Map- Delete As I was running to get help I saw a hobo on the side of the street and he had a cell phone so I could call 911. Should I use his phone or run home. CALL Go home

11 Story Map- Delete It’s his fault I told him not to. But then we saved him and we went out to eat because my brother was starving.

12 Story Map- Delete I told them “I am sorry I did it I wasn’t carful I am sorry” and we went to and got ice cream

13 Story Map- Delete Story ends here… I then called 911 and as I was calling he charge at me with a knife and stabbed me in the heart I immediately died so I never got to save my brother.

14 Story Map- Delete I got home and my parents went into the hole and rescued my brother. I was grounded for 2 months after that.

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