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Program Title Faculty Director(s). Faculty Introduction Name – Department – Projects and/or Research area – International Experience – How many times.

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Presentation on theme: "Program Title Faculty Director(s). Faculty Introduction Name – Department – Projects and/or Research area – International Experience – How many times."— Presentation transcript:

1 Program Title Faculty Director(s)

2 Faculty Introduction Name – Department – Projects and/or Research area – International Experience – How many times you have led the program – How you got involved with the program – Additional Fun fact

3 Group Introductions Pass around a sign-in sheet to collect phone numbers Ask for a student volunteer for starting a group chat/facebook group Schedule 2-3 group social/info meetings before departure

4 Program Introduction Location School Name / Location for Coursework Class Schedule (ie. M-F class from 9am-4pm)

5 Timeline for Time Abroad Example: May 8: Arrive at Heathrow International Airport May 9-19: Class at Oxford University – May 11: Field Trip to London – May 16: Overnight to Stonehenge May 20: End of program

6 Housing/Accommodations Show pictures and give details of all housing and accommodations for the length of the program.

7 Academics Total number of hours – Break down of classes – Number of hours per class – Explain some about the classes that students will be taking

8 A Typical Day Class time What does a class day consist of? – Breaks or time to eat? What do students do after class is over? Night time events/outings

9 Packing Appropriate attire for program location Example: LAYERS Nothing too big and bulky that takes up a lot of room and space in your bag General rule, if you have to question yourself on the choice, leave it at home. Questions to consider: – Is doing laundry an option? – Will any specific attire be required for excursions/field trips? – What’s the weather like in the program location?

10 Communication Phone Options: – Purchase local cell phone – Purchase local SIM card for unlocked phone – Utilize apps for communication only while using WiFi Discuss in-country internet options and availability (ie. Will there be Wifi where the students will be staying?)

11 Money, Passport, Visas Local Currency and Conversion How much money should they bring to start out with? Bills need to be smaller than $50 Will there be access to an ATM upon arrival? Passports are necessary in order for you to get into and leave the country- make sure it’s valid for 6 months after departure Will students need a visa? Bring copies of everything! Your passport, ID, insurance, and tickets

12 Safety and Expectations Student Code of Conduct Expectations Local Laws (different from US) No drinking abroad

13 Health and Safety Local Considerations for health and safety Vaccinations/immunizations/health related concerns for program location – Example: Programs traveling to Central/South America should discuss Zika in depth. Faculty Director Emergency Contact Info Complete your medical record on your UA study abroad application!

14 Before We Leave Complete your payments at the Student Receivables office Attend the Education Abroad pre- departure orientation in April Class registration: – You will be issued a permit and emailed by the EA office

15 Before We Leave Checklist of items that need to be completed prior to departure Eg. – Registration for courses – Submit deposit and payment – Book flights – Upload passport and flight itinerary in your study abroad application – Complete Medical History questionnaire in your study abroad application

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