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Warm-Up On your paper from Thursday/Friday, revise and solve your Grudgeball question. If you did not complete this activity, create a Grudgeball question.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up On your paper from Thursday/Friday, revise and solve your Grudgeball question. If you did not complete this activity, create a Grudgeball question."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up On your paper from Thursday/Friday, revise and solve your Grudgeball question. If you did not complete this activity, create a Grudgeball question and then solve it. (Must be relevant to Unit 5.)


3 Problem #1: Describe the transformations used to move from ABCD to PQRS. Solution: In any order, you can use a (1) translation and then a (2) rotation.

4 Problem #2: If you moved triangle ABC onto triangle PQR, which vertices would match? Solution: A would match to R, B would match to Q, and C would match to P.

5 Problem #3: Suppose you drew triangle GHI. Which measurements of angles and sides could you give someone else to ensure that they drew a congruent triangle? Minimum Requirements: 1.Three pairs of corresponding congruent sides OR 2.Two pairs of corresponding congruent angles and one pair of corresponding congruent sides OR 3.Two pairs of corresponding congruent sides and one pair of included corresponding congruent angles.

6 Problem #4: Which two measurements could find to guarantee that two triangles are similar? Solution: We could find two pairs of corresponding angles to guarantee that two triangles are similar.

7 Problem #5: Explain how you know that angles d and f have the same measure. Solution: Angles a, c, and e are all 120 degrees. Angles b, d, f, and g are all 60 degrees. Solution: Angles d and f are congruent because they are alternate interior angles.

8 Problem #6: When you describe the rotation that transforms one figure to another, which three things do you need to include? 1. center of rotation 2. degree of rotation 3. direction of rotation (clockwise vs counterclockwise)

9 Problem #7: How would a 90 degree rotation counterclockwise affect the coordinates of the shape? Solution: The x-coordinates would stay negative, and the y-coordinates would become negative.

10 Problem #8 A C DE B 300 feet 600 feet 100 feet 200feet Which triangles appear to be similar? Solution: Triangle ABC and AED appear to be similar.

11 Problem #9: What is the distance from A to B? A C DE B 300 feet 600 feet 100 feet 200 feet Solution: 100 feet, because the scale factor between the two triangles is 2.

12 Problem #10: A C DE B 300 feet 600 feet 100 feet 200 feet Why does the segment BC have the same slope as CD? Solution: Because segment BC and segment CD are part of the same line, so they should have the same slope.

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