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Water. The Hydrologic Cycle Surface Water, Bosnia.

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Presentation on theme: "Water. The Hydrologic Cycle Surface Water, Bosnia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water

2 The Hydrologic Cycle

3 Surface Water, Bosnia

4 Water and Human Life The biggest single cause of infant mortality worldwide is diarrhea from contaminated water Many in Third World think infant diarrhea is normal Women in developing countries spend up to 1/3 of their time getting water Water-borne parasites

5 Ground Water Mostly confined to permeable rocks called aquifers –Surface deposits –Porous rocks: sandstone –Fractured rocks: limestone Underground Streams are rare, short, and small Your well does not get its water from an underground river.

6 Aquifers Water gets in from the surface at the recharge zone Boundary of water-saturated rocks is the water table or piezometric surface –Intersects surface at springs, swamps and ponds Special types –Artesian (pressurized) –Perched

7 Misuse of Ground Water Contamination of Recharge Zone Excessive Drawdown –Can dry out nearby wells or springs –Can suck in salt or contaminated water –Can cause land subsidence

8 Green Bay Case Study Deep Aquifers of the Green Bay Area

9 Green Bay Piezometric Surface 1957 1960

10 Green Bay Piezometric Surface 1957 2003

11 The Russian Radioactive Waste Injection Program

12 Center-Pivot Irrigation


14 Some Places Have Too Much Water

15 Soluble Rocks




19 Open-channel aquifers (caverns, open fractures, etc.) are very fragile because contaminants can move quickly over long distances (Door County)

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