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Draft Revised Ordinance Cross Connection Control and Backflow Prevention March 27, 2015 Sun City Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Draft Revised Ordinance Cross Connection Control and Backflow Prevention March 27, 2015 Sun City Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Draft Revised Ordinance Cross Connection Control and Backflow Prevention March 27, 2015 Sun City Center

2 Summary of Control Requirements Residential Connections Florida DEP Rule 62-555.360 Hillsborough County Draft Ordinance

3 Summary of Control Requirements Residential Connections Water utilities must:  Prohibit cross- connections unless appropriate backflow protection is provided HC: Prohibits all cross- connections

4 What is a Cross Connection? Backflow Protection Required Dwelling

5 Summary of Control Requirements Residential Connections Water utilities must: Prepare a cross connection control plan

6 Summary of Control Requirements Residential Connections Water utilities must: Report annually HC: Dual Checks Refurbished/ Replaced Double Checks Tested Inventory of Backflow Protection

7 Summary of Control Requirements Residential Connections Minimum Backflow Protection Auxiliary (pond, well) or reclaimed water system and no known cross- connection, Dual Check HC: No auxiliary water system or only reclaimed water, Dual Check Other auxiliary water (pond, well), Double Checks

8 Summary of Control Requirements Residential Connections If a cross-connection is discovered, water utilities must: Ensure cross-connection is eliminated, OR Upgrade backflow protection to: Double check for wells RP for surface water (ponds) HC: No cross- connections

9 Summary of Control Requirements Residential Connections Water utilities must: Refurbish or replace dual check devices at least once every 5 to 10 years HC: HC will own Backflow Preventers and be responsible for testing and maintenance Double checks are only refurbished or replaced if testing indicates failure (useful life = 20+ years)

10 How Much will Program Cost?

11 Cost of Program Relative to Overall Capital Improvement Budget?

12 Next Steps? Review Valuable Input from Sun City Residents Review Valuable Input from Sun City Residents Review Comments and Refine Draft Ordinance Review Comments and Refine Draft Ordinance Meet with Cross-Connection Control Board Meet with Cross-Connection Control Board Draft Ordinance submittal to FDEP Draft Ordinance submittal to FDEP Submit Final Draft Ordinance to Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Submit Final Draft Ordinance to Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Implement by January 1, 2016 Implement by January 1, 2016

13 For more information:  American Backflow Prevention Association video VRtfTIqCl0 VRtfTIqCl0  Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Statement of Estimated Regulatory Costs (SERC)  American Water Works Association statement/articleid/193/cross-connection.aspx statement/articleid/193/cross-connection.aspx  National Research Council, Drinking Water Distribution Systems: Assessing and Reducing Risks

14 Questions?

15 Summary of Control Requirements Residential Connections Water utilities must: Evaluate customers’ premises Questionnaires Review construction plans Inspections When? New Construction Connection to reclaimed water Auxiliary water system (Pond, Well) is discovered Cross-connection is discovered Building permit for renovation HC: Same

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