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Town of Davie Utilities Department Renuka M. Bajnath John McGeary.

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Presentation on theme: "Town of Davie Utilities Department Renuka M. Bajnath John McGeary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Town of Davie Utilities Department Renuka M. Bajnath John McGeary

2  Population and Development  Population projected to triple (30,000 – 90,000) Regional Activity Center zoning (RAC) State Road 7 Transit Oriented Corridor (TOC)  Regional Water Availability Rule  Limits Biscayne aquifer allocations No Biscayne aquifer allocations Requires alternative water supplies for future demands Water demand projections to quadruple (4.4 MGD - 16 MGD)  Ocean Outfall Rule  Ability to meet Advanced Wastewater Treatment standards by the year 2018  Eliminate discharges by 2025

3  Alternative Water Supplies  Reverse Osmosis – Floridan Aquifer  Membrane Bioreactor – Reclamation 3.5 MGD wastewater reclamation plant, expandable to 6 MGD Mandatory reuse zone Wastewater collection improvements Reclaimed water network


5  Modification of Activated Sludge Process:  Membranes vs. conventional secondary clarifiers & effluent filters  Small footprint  Biological odor control filter  Consistent reuse quality


7 InfluentMix LiquorReuse (Effluent)


9  In house  Toilet flushing  Process use  Irrigation  Irrigation  Nova Southeastern University  Grande Oaks Golf Course

10  Cooling Towers  Nova Southeastern University  Research  University of Florida

11  Turf grass management  Water quality  Sodium Adsorption Ratio  Phosphorous  Nitrogen  Chloride  Lined ponds

12 Parameters of Interest Desired Range for Irrigation Broward County Standards Reuse (Average) Golf Course Lake (Average) Sodium Adsorption Ratio0 - 4 4.631.12 pH (std units)6.2 - 6.96.5 - Chloride (ppm)0 - 14025018644 Sodium (ppm)0 - 5016012432 Salt Concentration (ppm)1000 - 1500500531307 Nitrate (ppm)0 - 5109.300.84 Total Phosphorous (ppm)0.005 - 50.12.770.2 Nitrite (ppm) 10.075 Nitrogen (ppm) 105.06 TSS (ppm) 1.0 Turbidity (NTU) 100.17 cBOD (ppm) NA3.83 Total Chlorine (ppm) 10.4

13  Irrigation YearReuse Supplied* Estimated Reuse Cost to Customers Estimated Potable Water Cost @ Estimated Cost Savings 201422.4 MG$4,922$130,28096% 2015293.6 MG$64,581$1,689,55496% 2016 (to date) 44.3 MG$9,527$250,65096% *Reuse supplied vs surface water withdrawal @ Cost for comparative purposes only

14  Indirect Potable  Pilot Biocatalyst/s  Storm water augmentation ?  Direct Potable?

15 to meeting the water resource needs of our communities. (Source: SFWMD) People recognize and respect city and county borders. Water does not. Intergovernmental communication, cooperation and coordination are vital to meeting the water resource needs of our communities ( Source: SFWMD)

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