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Using Websites in the Classroom Tatiana Lisitsyna

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1 Using Websites in the Classroom Tatiana Lisitsyna e-mail:

2 Speaking: Free Online Talking Dictionary- an online dictionary which contains voice recordings of words and gives a deeper knowledge in the sphere of English pronunciation. BBC Pronunciation – pronunciation tips where you find not only rules but some pronunciation quizzes and other exercises as well.

3 ESL Podcast and English as a Second Language – podcasts to improve your pronunciation, learning guides and tags simplify their application. Ellos – interviews with people from all over the world, they are easy to use and everything is thought out for you. Forvo – a guide to pronunciation with classified words and opportunity to contact native speakers. Wordia – an unusual dictionary with word definitions and examples presented as videos by native speakers.

4 Reading Liter Active- helps to develop reading skills for children by means of e-Poetry, e-Picture books and other involving, effective, modern and easy tools. Star Fall – a site designed for children, it consists of alphabet learning stage, followed by reading practice of three levels: starting, having fun and reading.

5 Reading Skills Pyramid-a resource for schoolchildren, their parents and teachers, the so-called pyramid structures teaching reading process. eHelper – daily reading comprehension themes for school, teachers have the chance to create weekly reading books for their pupils. Into the Book – learn and practice reading strategies, teachers are able to get all necessary information, guidelines and materials to apply the theory in practice.

6 English for Everyone- Free Reading Comprehension Worksheets which are divided into short stories, critical reading, role play and other styles of papers, each category in its turn is divided into levels. Embeded Learning Portal – interactive exercises for literacy development.

7 Writing Ohio University CALL Lab – topics and practical advice on writing strategy, presented strategies are followed by series of activities. Writing Fun – a vocabulary and syntax for effective writing course. It’s extremely important to entertain your students a little bit with various activities especially when dealing with such tiring issue as writing.

8 One True Media – helps you to create slide shows and presentations with pictures, video and text, writing comments to multimedia materials is far more motivating and up-to-date than just writing simple tasks, this resource can be integrated with other exercises. English the easy Way – guidelines on writing essay, resume, blogging, etc; a variety of paper types is presented here including ways of online communication.

9 Grammar Karin’s ESL Partyland Quiz Center – level oriented tests with the opportunity to communicate with teachers from all over the world. Grammar – tables and tests with explanations. E.L. Easton – a grammar resource since 1988 supplied with a YouTube channel.

10 English Language Center Study Zone – University of Victoria grammar site with interactive exercises and help page. Self-Study Quizzes for ESL Students – TESL grammar page, it’s best to use for grammar revision. The Quiz Zone – a grammar exercises collection with brain training games which add some diversity to grammar drill. Grammar Help – grammar rules and tests with a piece of advice.

11 Pearson Brown’s Better English Exercises – Business English vocabulary and grammar exercises. They include such challenging items as collocations and phrasal verbs. GrammarLady – sponsored listings of links on grammar for those who haven’t found all proper materials in our catalogue.

12 Communicative Tools in FLT Webinar – webinar technology and methods. Videoconferencing for Learning – videoconference integration with learning. A Beginner’s Guide to Effective Email – guidelines on how to use email.

13 Email Exchange Epals – the world’s largest free K-12 social learning network. Linguistic Funland – TESL pen pal center. Global Connection – communicative tool for teachers with tips.

14 English Teachers’ Forums English Language Teachers’ Forum ESL City EverythingESL net English Club Discussion Forum The Teachers’ Corner

15 English Teachers’ Chats The First English as a Second Language The ScholarStuffChatNetwork ESL Café Teachersnet

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