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Enhancing Quality and Access to TVET for Employability EQUATE.

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancing Quality and Access to TVET for Employability EQUATE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancing Quality and Access to TVET for Employability EQUATE

2 Build up of the Programme Location: Province- Sindh Districts- Khairpur, Jamshoro, Dadu Total Budget: 3, 120,397 Euros Duration: 36 Months – starting from 01 st Oct 2012 Partners: 1. Indus Resource Centre (IRC) 2. Research and Development Foundation (RDF) 3. Butterfly Works (BFW)

3 Objectives: Overall objective: Improvement of accessibility to TVET leading to professional employment of marginalized communities in rural areas of Sindh with 30 percent more earnings compared to the baseline finding Specific objective: Improving accessibility and success rate of 3,200 unemployed poor youth (women and men) in three selected districts (Dadu, Khairpur and Jamshoro) of Sindh in TVET leading to atleast 0 50 percent more earnings compared to the baseline finding. Improving economic empowerment of 1600 poor women in three target districts by enhancing handicraft, designing, production and entrepreneurial skills, and linkage development with potential national and international markets leading to atleast 50 percent more earnings compared to the baseline finding

4 Specific Indicators Indicators - 1 Improved access of poor unemployed youth to the TVET trainings in Sindh Atleast 70 % of the beneficiaries are employed in the trade and industry/self employed and earning minimum 30% above the minimum wage announced by the Government Indicators- 2 Improved handicrafts skills to 1600 poor women in three target districts Atleast 50% increase in income/earning level of atleast 70% of the beneficiaries Atleast 50% of the trained women are contributing in family earnings 10-15 new product designs introduced in the potential markets 5 new skill development courses certified by the relevant government authorities and institutions

5 Major Activities- Result one Inception workshop with Partners- Planned in End of Nov Baseline / endline survey- Planned in Nov- Dec Establishment of 4 learning/resource centres Awareness raising for the program in local communities Linkages with local line agencies Refresher courses for 60 technical training institute teaching staff Development of information, education and communication material Training of 3200 poor unemployed youth in basic preparatory courses Placement and training of 3200 youth in their respective chosen area of training in training and vocational centre Procurement of employability equipment and distribution of certificates/ employability equipment to the course pass out beneficiaries Counselling of trained beneficiaries in employment/business plan Establishment and promotion of linkages with the credit financing institutions, chambers of commerce and industry, associations of traders Conversion of one Learning Centre into Learning Lab Special Youth Program- web design skill.

6 Major Activities- Result two Market study and study of skilled women, crafts, traditions and skills Design exchange - co-designing the new craft range and brands Training - develop training modules Training of the Master Trainers and Front Line Women Training of 1600 women by Master Trainers General value generating activities Develop sales strategy and start sales Exposure to local markets and national markets Exposure to international markets, lessons learnt workshop

7 Thank you

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