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Board Meeting 4/5/16. Community Input 1.Increase Teacher Salaries 2.Reduce District Administrative costs 3.Restructure our schools 4.Marketing moving.

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Presentation on theme: "Board Meeting 4/5/16. Community Input 1.Increase Teacher Salaries 2.Reduce District Administrative costs 3.Restructure our schools 4.Marketing moving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Board Meeting 4/5/16

2 Community Input 1.Increase Teacher Salaries 2.Reduce District Administrative costs 3.Restructure our schools 4.Marketing moving forward

3 Highlights 1.DW full-day KG 2.Fulltime (shared) specials 3.Increased Gifted Ed services district wide 4.Increased Sped supports DW for our most vulnerable students. 5.District preschool re-opened 6.Math Specialist- 1 st time ever for our district 7.Increased JR high experience/offerings 8.Enhanced the approved two k-6 model

4 Current Certified Salary Schedule


6 Prop 301 Projections Increasing by $5 per student for FY 17. $332 per weighted student FY17 certified FTEs = 63.5 Estimated FY17 payout based on decreased student count & increased per pupil allocation = estimated $7500 per fulltime teacher.

7 If Proposition 123 is successful- equivalent of 3 additional steps / $2,790 per fulltime FTE.

8 Action Item- To approve the 2016/2017 Certified salary schedule And the advancement of two steps on the salary schedule for all certified staff members.



11 If Proposition 123 is successful- equivalent of 3 additional steps - $.87/hr.

12 Support Staff Salary schedule- To approve the 2016/2017 Support Staff salary schedule and the advancement of one step on the salary schedule for all support staff members.

13 Administrative Step- To approve the advancement of one step for all administrative staff members. Administrative step is equivalent to certified step at $5/day based on total contracted days. Certified = 186days, $930/step = $5/day

14 Lane Change- To approve the lane change budget capacity for 2016/2017 for those staff members who complete the required credits/course work. Estimate = $8000.

15 Certified Contracts Action Item- – To approve issuance of certified contracts for the 16/17sy.

16 Support Staff - Letters of Employment & Term contracts Action Item- – To approve issuance of support staff letters of employment and term contracts for the 16/17sy.

17 Administrative Contracts

18 Action Item- – To approve issuance of certified and classified administrative contracts for the 16/17sy.

19 Possible Executive Session

20 Certified Reduction in Force Policy / Process

21 Support Staff Reduction in Force Policy / Process

22 Reduction in Force Action To: – Non-renew certificated teachers and certified employees due to a reduction in force. – Direct the Superintendent to notify the affected employees of the board’s action. Action To: – Non-renew the employment of certain classified employees due to a reduction in force. – Direct the Superintendent to notify the affected employees of the board’s action.

23 Certified Non-Renewals Action To: – Non-renew a certificated teacher. – Direct the Superintendent to notify the affected employee of the board’s action.

24 Voluntary Reductions Action To: -Approve the voluntary reductions of fulltime equivalency status of certain employees.

25 Other personnel items Retirements / resignations Change in Position Extra-duty

26 Community Input 1.Increase Teacher Salaries 2.Reduce District Administrative costs 3.Restructure our schools 4.Marketing moving forward

27 Highlights 1.DW full-day KG 2.Fulltime (shared) specials 3.Increased Gifted Ed services district wide 4.Increased Sped supports DW for our most vulnerable students. 5.District preschool re-opened 6.Math Specialist- 1 st time ever for our district 7.Increased JR high experience/offerings 8.Enhanced the approved two k-6 model

28 Transportation




32 Hiring Process Position was posted/advertised on 2-1-16. Final two applicants were interviewed on 2- 25-16. Unanimous committee decision/selection March 10 th - recommendation for hire presented to Board- no action taken. March 11 th - emailed detailed cost analysis to governing board

33 Transportation Action to approve Transportation Director position for 2016/2017. Action to approve District Transportation Director recommendation for hire.

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