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Happy Monday, I Missed You! Today: 1.Intro Learning 2.Learning Via Conditioning 3.Classical Conditioning 4.Pavlov HW: Read Ch. 7 pages 264-284 VOCAB QUIZ.

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Monday, I Missed You! Today: 1.Intro Learning 2.Learning Via Conditioning 3.Classical Conditioning 4.Pavlov HW: Read Ch. 7 pages 264-284 VOCAB QUIZ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Monday, I Missed You! Today: 1.Intro Learning 2.Learning Via Conditioning 3.Classical Conditioning 4.Pavlov HW: Read Ch. 7 pages 264-284 VOCAB QUIZ FRIDAY (ALL CHAPTERS) Complete retakes or make-ups ASAP

2 Learning: Behaviorist View Learning – The process of aquiring new, mostly enduring, information and behaviors. (Conditioning, Observation, etc.) Behaviorists focused on learning as a process of association. Associative Learning – learning that certain events occure together. The events may be two stimuli (as in classical conditioning) or a response and its consequences as in operant conditioning) Stimulus – Any event or situation that evokes a response.

3 Learning via Conditioning Classical Conditioning What other examples of classical conditioning can you come up with as a group?

4 Classical Conditioning: Key Terms Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS): Stimulus that evokes an unconditioned response (automatic) Conditioned Stimulus (CS): Previously neutral stimulus that has, through conditioning, acquired the capacity to evoke a conditioned response Unconditioned Response (UCR): Unlearned reaction to an unconditioned stimulus that occurs without previous conditioning Conditioned Response (CR): Learned reaction to a conditioned stimulus that occurs because of previous conditioning

5 Classical Conditioning and Pavlov Acquisition – initial learning Extinction- diminished response over time… Spontaneous Recovery – the reappearance of a weakened response (indicated that extinction was really suppression) Generalization vs Discrimination – How does one respond to similar stimuli?

6 Exit Ticket: Classical Conditioning Explain how advertisers use classical conditioning. Use the key terms in your answer.

7 Welcome Back From the Mini Vacay Today: 1.Warm Up: Classical Conditioning 2.Notes: Operant Conditioning 3.Project Work Time HW: Ch. 7 reading Vocab Quiz Friday Begin Conditioning Project

8 Warm Up: Classical Conditioning Explain how advertisers use classical conditioning. Use the key terms in your answer.

9 Operant Conditioning Thorndike’s Law of Effect Behavior preceding positive reinforcement increases Behavior preceding punishment or no reinforcement decreases Puzzle Box:

10 Terminology and Consequences Reinforcement: consequences that strengthen responses Positive Reinforcement: A response is strengthened because it is followed by the presentation of a rewarding stimulus Negative Reinforcement: A response is strengthened because it is followed by the removal of an aversive stimulus (buzzer for seat belt) Conditioned Reinforcement Primary Reinforcers: Inherently reinforcing satisfy biological needs (food, water, shelter) Secondary Reinforcers: Acquire reinforcing qualities by being associated with primary reinforcers (money, stickers, praise)

11 Operant Conditioning and Skinner Skinner Skinner Box: Shaping: Reinforcing small steps toward more complex behavior Discrimitive Stimulus: signals availability of reinforcement or punishment (light, sound, parent)

12 Thorndike Puzzle Box

13 Skinner Box

14 Operant Conditioning Find an image to represent each of the following: 1. Positive Reinforcement 2. Negative Reinforcement 3. Rewards 4. Punishment

15 Project Work Time Your project should include a ‘lab report’ with all of the following: Part 1:Intro (typed) What is learning? What is Operant Conditioning? What is Classical Conditioning? Which did you use? Why? Summary of your conditioning project, 2-3 Paragraphs Advanced Option: Write the lab report using the scientific method Part 2:Research Journal (typed or handwritten) You are to keep a log of your attempts at conditioning your subject. What successes and/or failures did you experience in your conditioning attempts? Part 3: Detailed Description of type of conditioning used. (1-2 pages) Include 2-3 photographs, charts, etc. to help outline and document your conditioning experiment. If you used Operant Conditioning include answers to the following: What was the baseline behavior? What was the target behavior? (be very specific) What types of Reinforcers were used and why? What type of reinforcement schedule did you use and why? Why didn’t you use punishment? How did you shape through successive approximations? How did you prevent against response generalization? If you used Classical Conditioning include answers to the following: What were the UCS, UCR, CS, and CR? How did contingency play into the conditioning of your subject? Why was time important in pairing the UCS with the CS? How did extinction, stimulus generalization, and spontaneous recovery play a role in your conditioning experiment?

16 Happy Friday Friends! Today: 1.Vocab Quiz 2.Schedules of Reinforcement HW: Have a fun safe weekend and don’t forget your Conditioning Projects!

17 VOCAB QUIZ - TEST Today we are taking an ONLINE, MULTIPLE CHOICE, VOCAB quiz as a test of the quiz grading technology for Ms. Rosenberg. The link is in your CLASS VIEW folder In the future – vocab quizzes will be online, but you will be expected to type in the term yourself NOT select from a list of choices.

18 Conditioning Schedules List an Example of each of the following: Fixed Interval Variable Interval Fixed Ratio Variable Ratio What are the pros and cons of each of the schedules of reinforcement?

19 Conditioning Schedules? 1.Which of the reinforcement schedules does AP Psychology currently run on? 2.Which reinforcement schedule would be present in a class that uses a lot of pop quizzes? 3.What about online classes? What reinforcement schedule do they run on? Which schedule do you think is best for school and why? What type of student might be best served by each schedule?

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