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Agenda News/Weekly Reflection Purchase Points The Reformation.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda News/Weekly Reflection Purchase Points The Reformation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda News/Weekly Reflection Purchase Points The Reformation

2 Worldliness and Corruption of the Church

3 Roman Catholic Church Unified Western Europe under a single Christian faith Political, economic, and religious power By the 1300s, many were concerned the church was too powerful and corrupt

4 Humble Servants of God? Too often, church officials broke their vows Married and had children Seemed to ignore Christian values and morals Leaders behaved more like royalty- elegant palaces and jeweled robes

5 Indulgences One way the church raised money Release from punishment for sins Did not have to perform good deeds to make up for sins Wealthy could buy their way out of Hell.

6 Time off in Purgatory for following the Pope’s Twitter "It's not enough just to watch a Mass online or follow Pope Francis via live streaming on your iPad or by connecting to These are just devices. What really counts is that the Tweet that the Pope will send from Brazil or the photos from World Youth Day produce genuine spiritual fruit in the heart of the person."

7 Simony Selling church offices of leadership positions Instead of being chosen by merit These positions increase people’s income Bought positions in towns they never visited

8 More Questionable Practices Charging pilgrims to view relics Paying taxes to the church Paying taxes to their local government and Rome

9 Discussion How did you feel when the memo was read? What did you like about the policy? Dislike? Do you think this policy is justifiable? Why or why not? How did you feel when I supported the policy? How did you decide whether to purchase points?

10 T-Chart Purchase Points Indulgences

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