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Campus Cyberinfrastructure (CC*) Program NSF 16-567 Larry Gallery Manager, Membership Development and K-20 Program Manager June 16, 2016 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Campus Cyberinfrastructure (CC*) Program NSF 16-567 Larry Gallery Manager, Membership Development and K-20 Program Manager June 16, 2016 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Campus Cyberinfrastructure (CC*) Program NSF 16-567 Larry Gallery Manager, Membership Development and K-20 Program Manager June 16, 2016 2016

2 What is the Campus Cyberinfrastructure Program? The Campus Cyberinfrastructure (CC*) program invests in innovative, coordinated, and secure campus, multi-campus and multi-institution cyberinfrastructure (CI) components of data, networking, and computing infrastructure, capabilities, and services.

3 What is the Campus Cyberinfrastructure Program? English translation: Science-driven requirements (Research and Teaching) are the primary motivation for any proposed activity. Proposals will be evaluated on the strength of the science enabled (including research and education) as drivers for investment and innovation in data, networking, and computing cyberinfrastructure. Innovative solutions that employ 21 st century technologies highly encouraged. Effective use of digital data to advance discovery in the laboratory and the classroom. The NSF wants you to think broadly and not rely on traditional models especially in the realm of multi-campus and/or multi-institutional cyberinfrastructure

4 CC* Awards Will Be Supported In Seven Areas 1)Data Driven Multi-Campus/Multi-Institution Model Implementations awards will be supported at up to $3,000,000 total for up to 4 years. 2)Cyber Team awards will be supported at up to $1,500,000 total for up to 3 years. 3)Data Driven Networking Infrastructure for the Campus and Researcher awards will be supported at up to $500,000 total for up to 2 years. 4)Network Design and Implementation for Small Institutions awards will be supported at up to $400,000 total for up to 2 years. 5)Network Integration and Applied Innovation awards will be supported at up to $1,000,000 total for up to 2 years. 6)Campus Computing awards will be supported at up to $500,000 for up to 3 years. 7)Innovative Integrated Storage Resources awards will be supported at up to $200,000 for up to 2 years.

5 CC* Will Fund Keeping in mind the science-driven requirement of the RFP, funding is available to: 1)Connect/Upgrade Research & Education(R&E) Network/Internet2 access including local loops. 2)LAN upgrades to handle R&E connectivity 3)Under most programs, the creation of a Science DMZ 4)perfSonar and BCP 38 implementation 5)Hiring and training of staff 6)Data Storage Solutions 7)Travel to CC* Workshops

6 General Requirements All proposals into the CC* program must include a Campus Cyberinfrastructure (CI) plan that clearly demonstrates how your proposed improvements were conceived, designed. Examples of successful CI plans are available from ESNet at Look at your current network diagram then create the diagram of how the network will look post-grant. The narrative is how you go from current to proposed. NSF likes innovative approaches but traditional models are okay A critical component of the Campus CI plan is how your institution will sustain the proposed work in terms of ongoing operational and engineering costs. The plan should also describe campus IPv6 deployment and use of the In Common Federation global federated system, and if applicable, campus federation approaches to supporting scientific Virtual Organizations. For proposals into the Data Driven Networking Infrastructure for the Campus and Researcher area, the Campus CI plan should address efforts to prevent IP spoofing by potential adoption of "BCP 38"

7 Important Dates June 23 - Wendy Huntoon, president and CEO of KINBER for a free Preparing Your National Science Foundation Campus Cyberinfrastructure (CC*) Proposal webinar August 23 - Full Proposal Deadline, due by 5 p.m. submitter's local time. Proposals need to submitted either through NSF’s Fastlane or

8 Additional Information Eligibility: Universities and Colleges may submit proposals to any of the seven requested areas. Non-profit, non-academic organizations may submit to area (2) Cyber Team only. There are no restrictions or limits as to who may serve as PI There are no restrictions or limits number of proposals per organization There are no restrictions or limits on number of proposals per pi or co-pi

9 THANK YOU 2016

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