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JLC Broadcasts. Today’s Broadcast We will be covering: Pre-Public Exams Results Day, Resits and Revision UCAS Track University Interviews The Student.

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Presentation on theme: "JLC Broadcasts. Today’s Broadcast We will be covering: Pre-Public Exams Results Day, Resits and Revision UCAS Track University Interviews The Student."— Presentation transcript:

1 JLC Broadcasts

2 Today’s Broadcast We will be covering: Pre-Public Exams Results Day, Resits and Revision UCAS Track University Interviews The Student Union and Lead Reps Student Of The Month

3 Pre-Public Exams Pre public exams will run from the 12 th – 16 th January Most A Level & GCSE subjects will be running exams. Lessons will not be running for these subjects to give you time for revision. Please check with your tutor who may be running revision / support sessions. Students studying BTEC’s or subjects that are not running exams will be expected to be in lessons. Please familiarise yourself with your exam number and centre number as you will be expected to write this on your exam paper along with your tutor’s name. This can be found on the ‘My Exam Results’ section of pro portal. Exam timetables will be released from next week so please keep checking the “my exam timetable’ tab. Details of rooming and seat numbers will appear on your timetable closer to the exam. Please make sure we have your correct contact details, you can update details by visiting student support.

4 Results day & Re-sits A results day for the Pre-Public Exams has been planned for the 23rd of January. We will update you on details of this closer to the time. If you are thinking of re-sitting any exams from the previous year, there will be a day for you to hand in your forms and pay for your re-sit on the 29 th January. You will need to discuss this with your tutor to establish whether this is the best course of action for you. Again, more details of this will be released closer to the time.

5 Revision We know it still seems far off, but you should be revising for your PPE’s now. The PPE’s will be your only opportunity before the summer exams to see how you perform in formal exam conditions. If you don’t give it your best shot, you won’t know how well you are doing or what you can do to improve ready for summer. Ask your Mentor about support with revision techniques. We’re here to help!

6 UCAS Track Once your UCAS application has been submitted, you need to track the progress of any offers and messages. If you haven’t selected 5 choices, you can also add extra ones on through Track. You must do this by January 15 th for equal consideration. To do this you need to do the following: Go onto UCAS Select Apply or Track Select Track your Application Input your Personal ID Number and password (not your user name) PLEASE REMEMBER TO CHECK TRACK REGULARLY!

7 University Interviews You must show that you have the skills required for the course and career. You must be able to talk well about your chosen course and yourself. Best way to practice is with someone else just asking you questions to get you used to talking in detail about your course.

8 Check where and when! Be ready for questions – about you, your application, course and career plans, as well as your chance to ask about the course and the uni/college. Know your stuff – show you know the latest in your subject area, and keep up to date with the news – they might ask to hear your views. Practice! Book a mock interview with Opportunities and Destinations in plenty of time. Sleep well the night before! 1. Plan Ahead

9 2. The interview Dress smartly – you might not need a suit, but smart trousers and a shirt/blouse will show you're taking it seriously. Get there early – and have their phone number handy so you can let them know if you're delayed. Good body language – don't slouch, yawn or fold your arms – stay calm and alert, sit up straight and make eye contact. Don't worry if you don't understand – ask them to repeat or rephrase the question, or relate it to something you know better. Expect the unexpected – they might do a surprise test to see how you react under pressure – just do your best. And ask them questions too – this shows enthusiasm and gives you chance to get answers you haven't found yet. But don’t ask daft/obvious questions!

10 3. Afterwards Make notes – if you have more interviews coming up, it might be handy preparation to write down the questions and answers you've already had. Reflect on how you did – but don’t dwell on any negatives! Then sit back and wait. Use for more information on interviews. Opportunities and Destinations will be carrying out mock interviews so make an appointment with them.

11 @johnleggottslt 07964891160 The student leadership team want to hear from you! Get in touch to voice your opinion, suggestion, comment or question and we will do our best to make JLC a better place. #LoveLeggott

12 Meet the team…

13 Wednesday 10 th December 2pm – 7pm (approx.)

14 Student of the month… Last months winner of Student of The Month won a £5 Starbucks voucher! Please ensure that you are passing on any achievements to your Mentor so that you can be put forward for this award.

15 Contact Us! Emails: Text: 07805 930913 Come and see us in The ARC/Portal!

16 Thank You! Your next broadcast will take place on Monday 8 th December.

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