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Welcome to our Class 陈凤新 QQ : 273790216 To be number one this is what we've worked for all our lives reaching for the highest goal we can we choose.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our Class 陈凤新 QQ : 273790216 To be number one this is what we've worked for all our lives reaching for the highest goal we can we choose."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to our Class

3 陈凤新 QQ : 273790216

4 To be number one this is what we've worked for all our lives reaching for the highest goal we can we choose to give it all when competition calls time records the victory in our hearts to win or lose is not the only thing it's all in how we play the fairest game this is the chance we take reaching for the top time records the victory in our hearts to be number one running like the wind playing hard but always playing fair (oh year) to be number one winning again and again reaching higher through italian sky this is what we've worked for all our lives shining like a shooting star at night we've got to give it all when we hear the call time records the viictory in our hearts to be number one!

5 Words. nurse cashier waiter secretary 服务员 护士 秘书 收银员

6 Revision How are you? How old are you? Nice to meet you. How do you do? Nice to meet you,too. Fine, thanks. I’m 17. Useful expressions.

7 Presentation 1 Listen to the tape. 2 Answer the following questions. 1. What’s the boy’s job? 2. How old is he? 3. What does he do? 4. Do you think he will get the job? 3 Check the answers. John Smith. 18. He’s a technician. Yes, I think so.

8 New words and expressions. special trainin g 特殊的, 特别的 培训 He has a special name. Eg. 他有一个特别的名字。 Eg. We have special training in our school. technician 技术员,技师 Eg. My father is a technician. 我的 父亲是一个技术员。 vocatioal school 职业学校 Our school is a vocational school.

9 May I know your name? tell sb. sth 我是 ……., 但是我想成为一名 …. 我知道了,我明白了。 告诉某人某事 我可以知道你的名字吗 ? 你是做什么工作的 ? What do you do? I’m a……., but I want to be a …. My mother often tells me some interesting things. I I see.

10 Practice A: My name is Tom. B: How old are you? A:I’m twenty-two. B: What do you do? A:I’m a waiter, but I want to be a cook. Name : Tom Smith Age:22 Work experience: waiter Wish: cook

11 Name : Martin Green Age:20 Work experience: worker Wish: secretary Name : Martin Green Age:20 Work experience: worker Wish: secretary Name : Lucy Smith Age:17 Work experience: hairdresser Wish: bank clerk A: My name is Martin. B: How old are you? A:I’m twenty. B: What do you do?. B: What do you do? A:I’m a worker, but I want to be a secretary. A:I’m a hairdresser, but I want to be a bank clerk. A: My name is Lucy. B: How old are you? A:I’m seventeen.

12 Important points: a an 用于以辅音音素开头的名词前. 用于以元音音素开头的名词前 orange book umbrella girl eggpen apple boy a an

13 Fill in the passage. Jane is a____________ in the large company. She gets up at 7:00 in the morning. Then she ____________.She leaves home at about 8:00 and _____________to work.. At work, she helps her boss by finding information________________.At 6:00 in the evening, she returns home. After dinner, she often _____________. She goes to bed at about 11:00 at night. secretary has breakfast takes a bus on the Internet watch TV Check -up 1).F2).3).T4).F6. 7. 1).gets up 2).takes3).watches4).doesn’t F

14 Homework Exercises book.

15 Class is over Thank you everyone ! And goodbye!

16 第二课时 reading and speaking Review words and prases. Review words and prases. What are you?=what do you do ? =what ’ s your job ? =what do you do for a living? What are you?=what do you do ? =what ’ s your job ? =what do you do for a living? I ’ m a/an bus driver/cook/secretary/technician/clerk/ … I ’ m a/an bus driver/cook/secretary/technician/clerk/ …

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