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Narrative Writing: Write a Conclusion. Learn L.O.T.S. L anguage O f T he S tandards.

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Presentation on theme: "Narrative Writing: Write a Conclusion. Learn L.O.T.S. L anguage O f T he S tandards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Narrative Writing: Write a Conclusion

2 Learn L.O.T.S. L anguage O f T he S tandards

3 Common Core Georgia Performance Standards Standard: GPS.03,4.LA.ELA3,4W1 The Student demonstrates competency in the writing process. Element: GPS.03,4.LA.ELA3W1.c Writes text of a length appropriate to address the topic or tell the story. Element: GPS.03,4.LA.ELA3,4W1.m Prewrites to generate ideas, develops a rough draft, rereads to revise, and edits to correct.

4 Essential Questions??? Using the Writing Process, how do you… Finish a story? Use narrative techniques?

5 L.O.T.S. of Vocabulary Narrative: a story; can be true or made up Conclusion: the end of the story Point of view: who is telling the story Figurative language: words or phrases that are not literal; meant to add description to your writing Dialogue: conversation between characters; punctuated with quotation marks and commas Problem: what’s wrong in the story Solution: how we fix the problem Narrative elements: setting, characters, plot, problem, solution, theme Chronological order—sequence of events

6 Narrative Can be a fictional like Goldilocks, Little Red Riding Hood, or Magic Tree House Can be non-fiction like telling a story about your mom or dad, telling a story about a time you were scared or excited, or telling a story about a trip or adventure you took IT’S A STORY!!!!

7 Milestone Task One task that you may have to do is to write a conclusion to a story Not just “So as you can see…..” You have to CONTINUE the story and FINISH it You have to be the AUTHOR Be creative…you get to decide how the problem is solved and how to end the story

8 Narrative Techniques You need to use the BEST words and adjectives you can think of to describe (words like fantastic, excellent, disastrous, slimy, socialize) You need to use figurative language (phrases like “as shiny as a new penny, or he was an ox, or “you’re driving me up the wall!) You need to include some dialogue: “I can’t believe you ate the entire pizza!” I shouted at my sister. “I was hungrier than a horse,” she bellowed back.

9 Anchor Text and Paper Let’s take a look at the anchor text, “Super Howie and the Science Fair” (from the website, located on the resources tab Let’s identify the characters, the setting, the plot, and the problem Now let’s look at my ending; what do you notice??????????????? See any narrative techniques?

10 You’re turn! Read “What the Dog Dug Up (or any other story you find that is unfinished) Continue the story and then add a conclusion Solve the problem Make it interesting YOU are the author 2 paragraphs

11 WISE Writers Use Sensory Details!

12 3-2-1 Summarizer 3 narrative techniques 2 things you learned today 1 question about your task

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