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Presentation on theme: " EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 EGI-InSPIRE EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Usage and future support for the deployed software Survey results TCB April."— Presentation transcript:

1 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 EGI-InSPIRE EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Usage and future support for the deployed software Survey results TCB April 2012 Peter Solagna – 6/29/2016 1

2 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Survey overview The target of the survey was to define the list of software products which maintenance and support is considered to be high priority to ensure service continuation to the end-users. Define the list of products that are considered to be high priority Assess current usage of these high priority products: Which communities are using what Workload Assess which operations(user) communities will directly contribute to software development and maintenance March 2012 6/29/2016 2

3 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Answers gathered 32 NGIs: CERN, CRO NGI (NGI_HR), CyGRID, NGI_FI, France, Ibergrid(pt), Latvian NGI, NGI_AEGIS, NGI_BY, NGI_CH, NGI_CZ, NGI_FRANCE, NGI_HU, NGI_HU, NGI_IBERGRID(es), NGI_IE, NGI_IL, NGI_IT, NGI_MARGI, NGI_MD, NGI_ME, NGI_NDGF, NGI_NL, NGI_SK, NGI_TR, NGI_UA, NGI_ZA, NGI_DE, NGI_PL, NGI_SE, UK 5 Vos: Earth Science VRC, iMarine project, Life Science VRC, WeNMR VRC, SuperB, ZEUS VO Definitions: Supported product: at least one NGI planned to support the components after 2013 Not support: based on the data in the survey, no NGI nor Vos have plans to support the component after 2013

4 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Products supported The following products will be supported at least by one NGI: ARC CEL&BARGUSDGAS CREAMARC gridftpARGUS EESSGAS CREAM-GEdCachegLite-pxARC Clients gLite-MPIStoRMVOMSStratuslab Marketplace WMSARC infosysAPELWNoDeS

5 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 NGIs supporting the deployed software Life Science VRC The LSGC will contribute to the VO Dashboard and some workflow engines development. NGI_IE gLite-MPI, Stratuslab marketplace, Quattor toolkit nordugrid.or g ARC products will be supported by the NorduGrid community after 2013 and in a long term. The commitment is expressed in the MoU signed so far by 11 partners. UK Plans for APEL and GOCDB FI SOMA2 NGI_IT cream, voms, storm, wnodes, dgas clients, wms, argus,gLibrary Ibergrid CREAM GE module on best effort basis NGI_UA ARC Best effort NDGF dCache, ARC (if funding available) NGI-DE NGI-DE partners also involved in current software development projects will continue the maintenance of their software on a best effort basis. NGI_CZ LB, MyProxy, ProxyRenewal PL- Grid/NGI_PL and UNICORE components (if the UNICORE products are going to be supported within some projec), QosCosGrid.

6 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 VRCs high priority products Components considered high priority by at least two VRCs No VRCs have plans to support middleware components, only community software (applications, workflows) Component # VRCs considering high priority Component # VRCs considering high priority CREAM 3 VOMS 3 EMI worker node 3 APEL parser 3 WMS 3 APEL publisher 3 (L&B) 3 EMI User Interface 3 LFC mysql, LFC oracle 3 GFAL/lcg_util 3 DPM 3 Torque Server and WN config 2 BDII top/site 3 GridFTP 2 gLite-Proxyrenewal 3 StoRM 2

7 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 NGI high priority products Components considered high priority by many NGIs Columns “# NGIs” contain the number of NGIs that consider the component as high priority Component# NGIsComponent# NGIsComponent# NGIs BDII top/site 30 gLite-Proxyrenewal 23 gLite MPI 16 DPM 26 (L&B) 22 GFAL/lcg_util 16 VOMS 27 APEL publisher 22gLExec15 CREAM 26 Torque Server and WN config 21 dCache 13 EMI worker node 25 LFC mysql, LFC oracle 21Globus GSISSH11 WMS 25 APEL parser 20FTS10 EMI User Interface 24 GridFTP 18ARC CE8 StoRM8

8 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Survey #2: platform priorities Platform, software and VM deployment plans survey March 2012 Question 1: deployment platform deployment priorities of sl6 and Debian for 2012, for EMI and IGE Question 2: deployment of virtual images Which NGIs are willing to deploy middleware services based on pre-installed VM images?

9 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Deployment of platforms 25 NGIs answered the survey SL6: 19 NGIs interested in deploying gLite components Several NGIs reported WN, UI, CREAM and SEs as priority products Worker Nodes will need to follow VOs requirements 2 NGIs interested in deploying ARC components ARC CE, ARC Clients 1 NGI interested in deploying UNICORE Components Debian6 7 NGIs interested in deploying gLite WN/UI 2 NGIs interested in ARC CE/ARC infosys

10 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Deployment of virtual images NGIs interested to use pre-installed VM images to deploy grid services 11 interested to use them in production (+2 NGIs willing to test the images) Some NGIs will use the images if they can used out of the box (to be used with their cloud/fabric services) Most wanted: UI, CEs, BDII, SEs

11 EGI-InSPIRE RI-261323 Additional data Usage and future support for the deployed software Survey results The document attached to the agenda contains the full list of components and the VOs reported to use the services Not RAW data (if needed I can provide it) Deployment of platforms The spreadsheet attached to the agenda contains the full set of answers with additional comments (polished). Raw dataRaw data

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