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Infectious Disease. Essential Questions  What are some causes of infectious disease?  How do the 2 pathogens (bacteria & virus) spread to cause disease?

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1 Infectious Disease

2 Essential Questions  What are some causes of infectious disease?  How do the 2 pathogens (bacteria & virus) spread to cause disease?  How does the body defend infectious disease?  What is HIV/AIDS? How do you decrease exposure?  What is an STI? How do you decrease exposure?

3 Infectious Disease  DEFINITION: A Disease caused by an agent that invades the body.  Virus - Cold, Flu, Chicken Pox, Measles, Mumps, Fever & Mono  Bacteria - Strep Throat, Pink Eye, Whooping cough, Tuberculosis.  Contagious Disease - is a disease that can be passed directly from one person to another person.

4 How are these things spread?  Direct  Handshake  Drinking from someone else’s drink  Indirect  Sneezing  Coughing

5 Body’s Defenses  Immune System - organs & special cells that fight infection (6)  Skin  Hairs  Tears  Mucus  Saliva  Stomach acid  Concept Map  ageManager.jsp?lic=1 &article_set=59296&c at_id=20607 ageManager.jsp?lic=1 &article_set=59296&c at_id=20607


7 THE “ KILL “  White blood cells literally swallow the invaders & destroy the pathogens.

8 Immune System  Fever  Raises body temperature to fight against the cold or flu. Body is sending virus fighting cells & proteins throughout the body so the pathogens wont reproduce.  Antibiotic - drug that kills or slows growth of bacteria.

9 Preventing Spread of Infectious Disease  Protect yourself  Wash your hands  Do not drink from someone else’s water bottle  Protect others  Blow your nose in Kleenex  Cough in sleeve  Get your shots

10 The Flu – Day 2  How far can the common cold/flu viruses spread?  List 4 of the 6 barriers in the body that help prevent the common cold/flu. (worksheet)  What is the purpose of a fever?  What does an antibiotic do?

11 Immune Response  Bacteria/Virus  The body is infected with the bacteria/virus  Inflammation  Swelling by a substance call Interferon.  White Blood Cells (WBC)  Lymphocytes which form T & B Cells  Antibodies  Will continue to fight disease throughout your life. Body begins to build up immunity.

12 GloGerm/Video  How did Holly catch the flu in the first place?  What is one of the most common flu viruses? (Stated in the video)  How does a macrophage destroy cells?  How does Holly’s body fight back?  What do antibodies do?

13 Word Bank  Infectious Disease  Contagious Disease  Fever  Antibiotics  Body’s Immune Response

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