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2 hours of literacy instruction each morning Specialist Lunch & Recess (11:45) 65 minute afternoon math block Afternoon Recess Art, Science, and Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "2 hours of literacy instruction each morning Specialist Lunch & Recess (11:45) 65 minute afternoon math block Afternoon Recess Art, Science, and Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 hours of literacy instruction each morning Specialist Lunch & Recess (11:45) 65 minute afternoon math block Afternoon Recess Art, Science, and Technology

2 Perform our morning jobs Class Business Discuss the schedule Calendar activities

3 Each teacher works with all students everyday. Groups are designed to meet individual needs Groups are skill or concept based Teachers use on-going assessments Groups are flexible-students can move between groups based on needs.

4 Based on word patterns that are focused on for the week in reading curriculum. Hands on practice in class Expected to practice at home Weekly Tests on Friday. New words are sent home on Fridays.

5 Math Expressions Parent Letters Student Activity Pages Quick Quizzes Unit Test

6 Are integrated with literacy and math. Themes are on a two year rotation. Weather and Solids and Liquids We use class buddies in cooperation to complete tasks

7 School-wide Assessments STAR Reading test Fluency Reads with Comprehension Math Facts Fluency Benchmarks STAR Math On-going Classroom Assessments Curriculum Assessments Classroom Work & Skill Demonstration Teacher Observations

8 Giving them a buddy to learn from and to teach Asking veteran students to be positive role models Working with the counselor Through literacy and role playing

9 Independent work habits Making transitions Classroom routines Making friends Behavior expectations

10 We agree on what a great class looks and sounds like We have five classroom rules Students are asked to self-evaluate Our School Rules  B E S AFE  B E R ESPECTFUL  B E P REPARED

11 Students keep their work in folders Supplies are stored in personal boxes and cubbies Notes and completed work are placed in mailboxes to go home

12 A literacy homework packet will go home Friday. Part of it will be the Pearson Realize online and can be recorded as time on your child’s RAH sheet. Homework is due the following Friday. Math: your child will have homework Monday-Thurs. This reinforces what we did for the day. We will spot check the homework. 20-30 minutes of reading, or being read to, five or more times each week. Record reading minutes on the RAH calendar.


14 Newsletter and Website Fall Conferences Targeted Spring Conferences Three Report Cards Daily Behavior Sheets Class work and homework

15 Healthy Snack Lunch Room Volunteers calendar will start in October Junior Achievement Volunteer

16 T ECHNOLOGY U PDATE Increased Access for Teachers All teachers received Yoga laptops Increased Access for Students 15 iPad minis and Apple TV for each first grade class 7 Chromebooks for each second grade class New SMART Board Software (Notebook 15 for all classrooms) New Schoolwires Websites for Staff All desktop computers were upgraded to Windows 8.1 New switches and additional wireless access points New phone system Increased hours for the Technology Integration Coach

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