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Welcome to 6A class! I am so pleased to be 6 th -grade homeroom teacher at Yinghua Academy this year. I am looking forward to a successful year, full of.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 6A class! I am so pleased to be 6 th -grade homeroom teacher at Yinghua Academy this year. I am looking forward to a successful year, full of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 6A class! I am so pleased to be 6 th -grade homeroom teacher at Yinghua Academy this year. I am looking forward to a successful year, full of new learning opportunities, challenges and great experiences for each student.

2 We will talk about: Classroom Schedule Responsive classroom Classroom rules Classroom Expectations Field Trip

3 Classroom Schedule (6A) MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Morning Meeting 8:30-8:57 Homeroom Period1 9:00-9:50 Math I-III SS. Chen Laoshi/Ms. Hoyt Chinese I-III English Mr. Byykkonen English Mr. Byykkonen Period2 9:53-10:43 SS. Chen Laoshi/Ms.Hoyt Math I-III SS. Chen Laoshi/Ms.Hoyt Chinese I-III Period3 10:46-11:36 Science/Tech. Mr. Scheid English Mr. Byykkonen ArtMath I-III Science Mr. Alan Period4 Activity Lunch 11:39-12:45 Period5 12:45-1:30 PE Ms. Totall Music Lin Laoshi English Mr. Byykkonen Chinese I-III Science/Tech Mr. Alan Period6 1:33-2:18 English Mr. Byykkonen Chinese I-III Math I-III Music Lin Laoshi Period7 2:21-3:06 Chinese I-IIIMath I-III PE Ms. Totall Science Mr. Alan Discovery PM Homeroom 3:06-3:30 Homeroom

4 Responsive Classroom Community Building (Morning Meeting) Social Language Learning Academic Language enrichment

5 Classroom Rules Safety Be Respectful Listen to the teacher, complete assignments on time. Raise hand when have questions

6 Classroom Expectations Focus on Independence Responsibility Listening and Following Directions Clear Expectations for Behavior ---Making good choices Responsive Classroom Strategies Classroom Agreement (rules)

7 End of Presentation Announcement Classroom Page - One Password to All: twenty1516 Homework Length: No More Than 40 Uninterrupted Minutes

8 Field Trip Is upcoming on Tue.Sep.22 I do need your great assistance

9 Contact me by: Xie Xie!

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