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1)The Learning with (finished but resources there) 2)The PATHWAY IBSE Project ( started 1,3 years ago)

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Presentation on theme: "1)The Learning with (finished but resources there) 2)The PATHWAY IBSE Project ( started 1,3 years ago)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1)The Learning with ATLAS@CERN (finished but resources there) 2)The PATHWAY IBSE Project ( started 1,3 years ago) FP7-Science-in-Society-2010-1 3) Discover_the_COSMOS ( started 7 months ago) Coordination action 6/29/20161C.Kourkoumelis UoA/IASA The EU projects:

2 2 F ocuses on teachers F ocuses on teachers We have introduced as best practices We have introduced as best practices  Leaning with ATLAS @CERN  HYPATIA  IPPOG Masterclasses * Summer school in Crete ( * Summer school in Crete ( *Two dedicated days of HST for building *Two dedicated days of HST for building educational scenaria educational scenaria The PATHWAY Project (Inquiry Based Science Education) 23 Partners across Europe+Russia +USA (CERN is a partner) UoBayreuth is the coordinator

3 6/29/2016C.Kourkoumelis UoA/IASA3

4 4 Focuses on teachers +Students Combines educational e-resources from Astronomy and HEP (TUD,LBL,CERN,UoB, UoA/IASA) Combines educational e-resources from Astronomy and HEP (TUD,LBL,CERN,UoB, UoA/IASA) *Summer school in Crete *Summer school in Crete *Two dedicated days of HST for building educational scenaria *Two dedicated days of HST for building educational scenaria A portal where we have combined all the resources from former portals {COSMOS(Astronomy) and Learning with ATLAS @CERN (HEP)} has been created DISCOVER_the_COSCMOS (DtC) 15 Partners across Europe+LBL (CERN is a partner) UoA/IASA is the coordinator

5 6/29/20165C.Kourkoumelis UoA/IASA

6 6 The main mission of DtC is to fill the portal with teaching scenaria which will be in line with the analy- tical teaching curricula and along the lines of IBSE. This will be done:  Initially by the members of the consortium (demostrators)  Teachers from the summer schools  Teachers from the training workshops  Participants of Contests (we will probably launch contest between members of ATLAS very soon) Renovating the Science teaching

7 7 HYPATIA applet Runs inside the browser Currently 4 versions according to level of students+exercises+solutions (hidden) Needs java + browser java plug-in No need to download anything No external event files All basic functions (used in masterclasses) are included No Atlantis code NEWNEW NEW

8 6/29/2016C.Kourkoumelis UoA/IASA8

9 9

10 6/29/2016C.Kourkoumelis UoA/IASA10

11 CERN Exhibition is touring Greece From September 2011- June 2012 Will visit (visited) 7 cities ~20,000 visitors (17,000 students +1,000 teachers) Organized visits of schools Guides are mainly graduate students Supported by Combined with workshops for teachers In three cases (Crete,Ilia,Volos) was/will be combined with the MasterClass 11

12 CERN in Greece Alexandroupolis 8-18 December 2011 (4000 students, 80 teachers) Turkey Heraklion 12-27 March 2012 (3000 students) Patras May 2012 Athens 10-27 November 2011 (6000 students, 500 teachers) ~14,000 students visited ~650 teachers trained in concurrent workshops Kavala 10-29 February 2012 (3500 students, 70 teachers) Volos April 2012

13 CERN exhibition in Athens Nov 18-27 3,600 visitors 80 schools inauguration 500 people 6/29/201613C.Kourkoumelis UoA/IASA

14 CERN exhibition in Alexandroupolis (north-east end of Greece) Dec 8-18 3,800 visitors 42 schools (pop 130k) 6/29/201614C.Kourkoumelis UoA/IASA

15 Lala-Pelopio students 35

16 6/29/2016C.Kourkoumelis UoA/IASA16 The CERN mini exhibition per se was rather poor: posters but little hardware We tried to enrich it with whatever hardware was at hard +on-line software We had two terminals with HYPATIA on demo mode +LHC game (a big hit for small ages) + a few PMT’s +few electronics cards made in Greece (PRISMA electronics) +an optical module from NESTOR +++ Comments about the Mini exhibition (1)

17 6/29/2016C.Kourkoumelis UoA/IASA17 Our plan is to make a few hardware pieces ex a small ATLAS MDT muon chamber from leftover pieces etc and encourage other institutions/experiments to do the same The exhibition is most probably going to Granada for the CERN accelerator school in November and then can travel across Spain if You want (I have talked to few people-CPAN) Can be combined with PATHWAY/DtC activities Comments about the Mini exhibition (2)

18  Both EU projects are proceeding in parallel. More involvement of CERN is coming -> a project associate is being hired ATLAS+CMS ??  The IPPOG can profit a lot from the extra resources available-if there is enough coordination Conclusions 186/29/2016C.Kourkoumelis UoA/IASA

19 6/29/2016C.Kourkoumelis UoA/IASA19 Back-up

20 Consortium (15 partners) 6/29/201620C.Kourkoumelis UoA/IASA

21 Discover the COSMOS Discover the COSMOS (Sept 2011-August 2013) FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2011-2 coordination action A few words as an introduction: eScience e-Infrastuctures The project aims to introduce innovative ways to encourage young people into science and scientific careers. This will be achieved engaging teachers and students in eScience through the use of e-Infrastuctures which the consortium has already developed in astronomy and high energy physics,and which will be brought to synergy. 6/29/201621C.Kourkoumelis UoA/IASA

22 6/29/2016C.Kourkoumelis UoA/IASA22

23 6/29/2016C.Kourkoumelis UoA/IASA23

24 UoA 60 students


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