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 Be Invisible  Be able to fly WHY??.  Read pages 192-194. Use the information to complete the following: ◦ Create a timeline of Mohammed’s life  Include.

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Presentation on theme: " Be Invisible  Be able to fly WHY??.  Read pages 192-194. Use the information to complete the following: ◦ Create a timeline of Mohammed’s life  Include."— Presentation transcript:

1  Be Invisible  Be able to fly WHY??

2  Read pages 192-194. Use the information to complete the following: ◦ Create a timeline of Mohammed’s life  Include what you believe to be the 5 most important events of his life. ◦ Create a table showing the 5 Pillars and how to follow them.

3  570AD- Born in Mecca  575- Became an orphan when his mother became ill and died; raised by his grandfather & uncle in Mecca  610- Receives first revelation  613- Shares revelations with public ◦ The messages he received were gathered verse by verse & became the Quran.

4  622- Mohammed & followers travel to Yathrib, the town where his father was buried ◦ The town soon became known as Medina, “the City of the Prophet” ◦ First Muslim community ◦ Remained in Medina for 6 years

5  625-628: The Military Period ◦ Meccans were threatened by Mohammed’s growing following ◦ Muslims outlasted the Meccans for 2 of the 3 military battles  630: Mohammed & followers marched to Mecca ◦ Gained more followers on the journey, took over Mecca without bloodshed  633: Mohammed’s death

6 1. Pray 5 times per day facing Mecca 2. Belief in Allah & the truth of Mohammed 3. Pilgrimage to Mecca 4. Charity to Needy 5. Fasting during Ramadan

7 SunniShiites  Believe leader should have been Mohammad’s faithful follower  Rely on the practices and teachings of the Prophet  Accuse Shiites of wrong practices  90% of Muslim population  Believe Mohammad appointed his cousin as his successor.  Consider ayatollahs to be reflections of God on Earth  Accuse Sunni of leaving out chapters of the Quran which name Ali the successor  10% of Muslim population


9  Prejudice & discrimination against another’s religious beliefs ◦ “3/4 of the world's human population of 7 billion live under strong government limitations on religion, or among serious ‘social hostilities’ involving faith issues”  Are religious majorities or minorities more likely to experience intolerance? Why?  Do you know of any historical examples of religious intolerance?

10  Prejudice, hatred, & discrimination against Jews  Recorded throughout history since the times of Ancient Rome  Recent growth in Anti-Semitic incidents world wide ◦ New York State saw an almost 30% increase in reported incidents


12  A recent report states that 10% of Christians worldwide are openly harassed or oppressed for their beliefs.  Christians once made up about 80% of populations in Middle East, now only about 25%


14  Greatly increased in America since 9/11 ◦ Before 9/11/01: 366 hate incidents ◦ 2002: 602 ◦ 2005: 1,972



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