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HEALTHY UNIVERSITIES: The experience of the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (UACJ) Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association November.

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Presentation on theme: "HEALTHY UNIVERSITIES: The experience of the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (UACJ) Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association November."— Presentation transcript:

1 HEALTHY UNIVERSITIES: The experience of the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (UACJ) Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association November 2010 (Denver, CO) Gustavo M. Iturralde, MD, MPH Angélica Aráujo, MD, MPH PAHO/WHO U.S.-Mexico Border Office

2 Content Introduction Healthy Universities Program Interventions Mexican Healthy Universities Network

3 Introduction 1997 medical examinationSince 1997 UACJ performs a comprehensive medical examination for freshmen students. This experience showed prevalent diseases that needed attention. Health CommitteeFor this reason, in 2002 the Health Committee was formed and the Healthy University program was started. Mission: Promote and foster a culture based on health to improve the quality of life for students in the university.

4 Healthy University Program Program that integrates academic and daily life activities in order to strengthen individual and collective life skills and psychological competencies by enhancing the ability of the university community to meet their health needs.

5 Medical examination 1.Vital signs 2.Lab tests 3.Oral health 4.Anthropometry 5.Eye tests 6.Physical conditioning 7.Questions on medical, psychological and lifestyles More than 5000 evaluations per year, at Juárez, Cuauhtémoc and Casas Grandes’ campuses

6  24% of new students were overweight or obese, especially males.  Direct relationship between BMI, Blood pressure levels, and lab data.  High prevalence of dental caries.  35% with some deficiency of visual acuity.  Sexual Health:  65% sexually active,  45% with more than two sexual partners in the last year,  60% of women had had an unwanted pregnancy. Results

7 Interventions 1.Annual schedule of activities Based on WHO calendar and results of medical examination MonthTopic JanuaryPeace and no violence FebruarySexual health: STD prevention MarchWomen Health: Cervical cancer AprilImmunizations MayTobacco AugustPrevention of road injuries SeptemberEnvironmental care OctoberWomen Health: Breast cancer NovemberDiabetes

8 2.The “Uniejercítate” Exercise Program: Objective: to promote the interest in physical activity for the purpose of improving health and physical performance. Program includes: –Medical evaluation –Nutritional evaluation –Psychological evaluation –Physical fitness evaluation Results: 40% of users with improvements of weight and glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides levels. 3000 evaluations, 2650 users

9 3.“Healthy University” Guide: Developed by UACJ and PAHO/WHO United States – Mexico Border Office. Based on the model of international health and the experience of the Mexican network of Healthy Universities. Goal: Draft a proposal from the International Health perspective that facilitates the integration of Health Promotion in the curriculum of institutions of higher learning.

10 Mexican Healthy Universities Network  2005: First Forum of Healthy Universities: Purpose: sharing experiences and best practices. 16 universities, PAHO/WHO and the Mexican Secretariat or Public Education (SEP) met. “Healthy Universities Network”Result: Creation of the “Healthy Universities Network” in Mexico.  2006: First National Congress of healthy Universities. 11 Universities

11  2007: Third International Congress of Health Promoting Universities: “Multiplier Learning Environment” at UACJ. Participation of 25 Universities from 7 countries and PAHO. “Iberoamerican Network of Health Promoting Universities”Its most striking result was the drafting of the declaration of the “Iberoamerican Network of Health Promoting Universities”.  2008: Second National Congress of Healthy Universities. 5 Universities

12  2009: Fourth International Congress of Health Promoting Universities “The Social Commitment of Universities” at Universidad Pública de Navarra (Pamplona, Spain).

13 Thank you Gustavo M. Iturralde, MD, MPH Angélica Aráujo, MD, MPH PAHO/WHO U.S.-Mexico Border Office 5400 Suncrest Dr. Ste. C-4 El Paso, TX 79912 PAHO/WHO United States – Mexico Border Office Presenter has no relationships to disclose

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