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Changes in Central and Eastern Europe Chapter 19.4 Pgs. -

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1 Changes in Central and Eastern Europe Chapter 19.4 Pgs. -

2 Main Idea- (Cultural Interaction) Changes in the Soviet Union led to changes throughout Central and Eastern Europe Why it Matters Now- Many Eastern European nations that overthrew communist governments are still struggling with reform

3 Setting The Stage 1980s- Soviet reforms brought high hopes for Central and eastern Europe Decades had passed since Soviet Satellites had been able to make political and economic decisions of their own Mikhail Gorbachev’s leadership urged Central and Eastern European leaders to open their political and economic systems

4 Poland and Hungary Reform Ageing communist rulers in Europe had resisted reform Powerful democratic movements had been growing in their countries Fear of Soviet intervention kept movements in check Gorbachev stated - USSR would not oppose reform movements

5 Poland 1980 Solidarity movement- Polish workers at Gdansk shipyard went on strike They demanded that govt. recognize their union Millions back movement Govt. gave in to the demands Union leader Lech Walesa became a national hero 1981 Govt. banned Solidarity again and declared martial law Lech Walesa

6 Poland Cont Communist party can not revive the failing econ. Industrial production declined Foreign debt rose to 40 billion Military leader General Jaruzelski legalized solidarity and held free elections1989-1990 Communist lost elections and Solidarity leader Walesa became President

7 Poland Votes Out Walesa Walesa’s push for a free market econ failed ( inflation and unemployment increased) Walesa voted out and replaced by former communist Aleksander Kwasniewski Kwasniewshi’s Reforms - pushed democracy/ free market econ. - 1990 Poland joined NATO Poland has been a big supporter on The U.S. war on terror

8 Hungarian Communists Disband Following Poland Hungarian leaders pushed a sweeping reform program Private enterprise Est. Small stock Market New Constitution Multiparty free elections Communists eventually voted out 1994- socialist and democratic parties form a coalition and jointly rule 1998- Joined NATO Excessive Govt. spending 2001- econ. Hardship due to weak exports and

9 Germany Reunifies 1989 Hungary allowed vacationing E.German tourist to cross the boarder on their way to Austria From Austria they could travel to W. Germany Thousands of E. Germans began to use this new escape route

10 Fall of The Berlin Wall E. Germany responds by closing its boarders OCT. 1989 Huge demonstrations break out all across E. Germany E. German leader Egon Krenz opened the wall in 1989 hoping he could restore communism by reliving the pressure he was wrong

11 Reunification of Germany Talk of reunification began after the fall of Communism in E. Germany Many feared a Unified Germany ( Why?) German chancellor Helmut Kohl assured the world that The Germans had learned from their past Oct. 3, 1990 Germany officially reunited

12 Germany’s challenges 40 years of Communist rule left E. Germany in ruins Railroads, were outdated Factories were outdated and their products were not competitive in the world market Taxes were raised Unemployment increased

13 Democracy Spreads in Czechoslovakia Czech government remained conservative under the leadership of Milos Jakes Oct.28,1989 10,000 people gathered in Wenceslas square demanding democracy and freedom (Many were arrested) 3 weeks later 25,000 students gathered in Prague demanding reforms ( They were hundreds brutally attacked by police) Nov. 25 th 500,000 protesters gathered in Prague Milos Jakes resigned with in hours of the protest

14 Czechoslovakia Breaks Up New policy based on Shock Therapy economics resulted in unemployment The countries 2 parts Slovakia/Czech republic could not agree on an econ. Policy Jan. 1,1993 Czechoslovakia split into two countries Each country has experience economic growth since the break up of Czechoslovakia

15 The Breakup of Yugoslavia After WWI Ethnic conflict Plagued Yugoslavia Major ethnic groups( Serbs, Croats, Muslims, Slovenes, Macedonians, Albanians, Hungarians, and Montenegrins After WWII Yugoslavia became

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