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Great Salt Lake Council Shooting Sports. NRA / BSA NRA Instructor Courses are taught by Bill Wagner NRA Training Counselors B Jay Fairbanks, Bill Hansen.

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Presentation on theme: "Great Salt Lake Council Shooting Sports. NRA / BSA NRA Instructor Courses are taught by Bill Wagner NRA Training Counselors B Jay Fairbanks, Bill Hansen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Great Salt Lake Council Shooting Sports

2 NRA / BSA NRA Instructor Courses are taught by Bill Wagner NRA Training Counselors B Jay Fairbanks, Bill Hansen Rodney Clawson, Jerry Pierce

3 NRA INSTRUCTOR NRA Courses are offered for the GREAT SALT LAKE COUNCIL BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA The cost for BSA Leaders is $30 for NRA Basic Instructor course and $80 per discipline course: All Courses will be taught at Bill Wagner’s home. All Live Fire will be at the Lee Kay Center Bill Wagner lives at 5389 Janette Ave. (5389 W. 4005 S.) West Valley City 84120 Please Call Bill at 801-971-8555 if you intend to attend any NRA Course All Courses will be taught at Bill Wagner’s home. ll Live Fire will be at the Lee Kay Center Bill Wagner lives at 5389 Janette Ave. (5389 W. 4005 S.) West Valley City 84120 Please Call Bill at 801-971-8555 if you intend to attend any NRA Course A

4 NRA Courses NRA Rifle Instructor, NRA Shotgun Instructor, NRA Pistol Instructor, NRA Muzzle Loading Firearm Instructor NRA Range Safety Officer (RSO) or NRA Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO)

5 Chief Range Safety Officers Teach RSO ( Range Safety Officers ) Certifies a new or temporary Range Sets Rules for a Range

6 Great Salt Lake Council Shooting Sports

7 NRA Instructors can be Merit Badge Counselors Rifle Shot gun Muzzle loading Firearms Pistol Range Safety Officers

8 Shooting sports Goal: Each District will have a cadre of RSO s and NRA Instructors in their own District. Merit Badge Counselors and RSO s who are: Committed Professional Accessible Willing Active

9 BSA Family's Cub’s BB Gun Shooting (7-10) Varsity/Boy Scouts Pellet Gun (11+) Varsity/Boy Scouts.22 long rifle Caliber Rifle Shooting (11+) Varsity/Boy Scouts Shotgun Shooting (11+) Varsity/Boy Scouts Muzzle Loading Rifles (11+) Venture Pistol Shooting (14+) Venture High Caliber Rifles (14+)

10 Other Shooting sports Archery Tomahawk Throwing wrist rockets (slingshots) catapults, balloon launchers, some rockets, and some other creative devices.

11 Archery Archery Instructors need to be Level One certified. A Level Two Archery Instructor may teach a Level One course Archery Merit Badge should be taught by Instructor A ten minute Archery Safety Briefing must be done prior to shooting.

12 Archery. Were to do Archery Archery Range is available at the Lee Kay Center on the west side. The Archery Range at Camp Tracy is available for use except in the Winter season. Archery equipment includes: Bow, Arrows, Arm Guard, Finger Tab, Target Genesis Bows are recommended -- Available through Council Level One Instructors: Lee Powell, Rob Hendrickson, ?? Level Two Instructors: B Jay Fairbanks Rodney Clawson Lee Powell? Rob Hendrickson Level Three: Fred Jepson, Salt Lake Archery-- Randy

13 Archery Periodicals Archery Focus magazine Toll-free telephone: 800-671-1140 Website: http://www.archeryfocus.comNational Field Archery Association Toll-free telephone: 800-811-2331 Website: http://www.nfaa-archery.orghttp://www.archeryfocus.com Organizations and Websites USA Archery One Olympic Plaza Colorado Springs, CO 80909 Telephone: 719-866-4576 Website: http://www.usarchery.org

14 Archery Organizations and Websites International Archery Federation (Fédération Internationale de Tir à l’Arc) Avenue de Rhodanie 54 CH-1007 Lausanne Switzerland Website: http://www.archery.org International Bowhunting Organization Telephone: 440-967-2137 Website: http://www.ibo.net National Field Archery Association Toll-free telephone: 800-811-2331 Website: http://www.nfaa-archery.org

15 Other Shooting sports All shooting activities must be approved by the Council OR Shooting sports committee or the National Camping School–trained Shooting sports director or an NRA Firearms instructor.

16 Shooting As A Unit Unit leaders will need to find firearms,ammo, eye and ear protection. NRA RSO and Instructors to run and reserve the Range

17 Shooting sports Do Tour Plan = Trip Planners NRA Instructor (correct discipline) & ID #’s NRA Range Safety Officer (RSO) TWO people 2 NRA numbers

18 Shooting as a Council or District Shooting Event Council or District gets the Range reserved. The Firearms the ammo???? The eye and ear protection???? We recommend the shooters have their own eye protection. The NRA RSO and Instructors to run the Range.

19 Range Supervision Minimum BSA Requirements A certified NRA range safety officer is to directly supervise all live fire on the range and give range safety briefings. The ratios of range safety officers and instructors per shooter in the different disciplines are:

20 ratios of range safety officers and instructors Rifle: 1 NRA range safety officer per *shooters. One NRA rifle instructor to 8 shooter Shotgun: 1 NRA range safety officer must be present for each group of a maximum of 6 shooters. 1 NRA shotgun instructor Pistol: 1 NRA range safety officer per 3 shooters. 1 NRA pistol instructor per Shooter Muzzle loading rifle: 1 NRA range safety officer per 8 shooters. 1 NRA rifle instructor per shooter while firing. Muzzle loading shotgun: 1 NRA range safety officer must be present for each group consisting of 5 shooters. It must be 1-to-1 NRA muzzle loading shotgun instructor to student ratio when loading and firing a shotgun. Muzzle loading pistol: 1 NRA range safety officer per eight shooters. 1 NRA muzzle loading pistol instructor per shooter while loading and while firing

21 The youth will need to go through a BSA 30 Minute Briefing for each Type of firearm Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun Blackpowder Rifle,Pistol,Shotgun 21

22 30 min Briefing The 30 min Briefing will be done by a NRA Instructor Rated in that discipline before Youth shoot any Firearms OR the Youth has Had Council Shooting Sports Training and has his CARD with him which will be good till he turns 21 years of age

23 Council Shooting Sports Training This is the card that is needed every time he or she shoots with our Council

24 Firearms Places to go Shooting

25 Camp Tracy Rifle Range 801-582-3663 Activities Desk $ 6 per participant Rifles Eye & Ear Protection Targets 50 rounds Ammunition.22 LR Caliber Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Need to get NRA RSO and Instructors

26 Wasatch Action Shooting Range SASS range at Lee Kay Center Known as The Big Salty Contact: Dale Kimsey for reservation date & time Participants perform service project = payment Provide own Rifles Provide own Eye & Ear Protection Provide own Targets Provide own Ammunition.22 Caliber Follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

27 Utah Cowboy Action Shooting or Shooting Events Contact: Bill Wagner BIG SALTY Cowboy Action Range

28 Utah Shooting Ranges ALL RANGES IN UTAH Bountiful Lion’s Club

29 Lee Kay Center Is available to BSA it has Trap and Skeet several other rifle and pistol ranges

30 Great Salt Lake Council GSLC has approved 3 private property ranges One near Vernon, Herriman, and Tooele

31 Following The Rules No matter what, we must follow NRA/BSA rules and policies to protect the youth and ourselves, including following the rules of the Range we are using.

32 Resources The following documents may be updated at any time so check them before using. National Shooting Sports Manual Website ram/ShootingSports.aspx ram/ShootingSports.aspx Guide to Safe Scouting Outdoor Program Committee Guide ram/Camping.aspx ram/Camping.aspx Camp Property and Program Management ogram%20&%20Property%20Mgt.pdf

33 Cub Scouting Standards Youth members of Cub Scouting are permitted to participate in the shooting activities named in here only. Archery and BB gun shooting are restricted to day camps, Cub Scout/ Webelos Scout resident camps, council- managed family camping programs, or to council activities or District camps where there are properly trained supervisors and all standards for BSA shooting sports are enforced. Archery and BB gun shooting are not to be done at the pack level. Eye protection will be worn Cub Scouts are not permitted to use any other type of handgun or firearm.

34 Boy Scouts Eye & Ear Protection required Single-shot, or Box magazine bolt action,.22 Long Rifle caliber rifles. Shotguns 12 gauge semi-auto best Muzzle loading Rifles.45 or.50 caliber (percussion) Pellet Gun.22 or.177 caliber (Eye Protection only) NO Cannons or Artillery NO fully Automatic Firearms

35 Varsity Scout Eye & Ear Protection required Single-shot, or Box magazine bolt action,.22 Long Rifle caliber rifles. Shotguns 12 gauge semi-auto best Muzzle loading Rifles.45 or.50 caliber (percussion) Pellet Gun.22 or.17 caliber (Eye Protection only ) NO Cannons or Artillery NO fully Automatic Firearms

36 Venturing ONLY All Scouts that are Varsity 14-16 years old Need to be Dual Registered as Venturing Scouts to Participate in Shooting Sports in the Venturing arena

37 Venture Eye & Ear Protection required Firearms listed for Boy Scouts All rifles – all calibers & actions All Pistols all actions All shotguns all actions Pre-requisite training required Pistol shooting requires Parents Permission (Both) (State Law) NO Cannons or Artillery NO fully Automatic Firearms

38 BSA Beyond the Rules Walk before you run Size the shooter to the firearm and activity Appropriate pre-training is a must Plan the activity to be safe and FUN!

39 Awards and Goals

40 Merit Badges Rifle Merit Badge (22,air Rifle and Black Powder) Shotgun Merit Badge (All Gauges Black Powder Shotgun)

41 Great Salt Lake Council Shooting Sports

42 Winchester Marksmanship Qualification Program Multiple Levels & Awards Multiple Firearms All Ages Wear the Medals on Uniform

43 Shooting Sports Committee Chairman How do we get RSO’s & NRA Instructors? Can the Committee help us with our activity or event? Who are you going to call?

44 No Rodney Clawson 801-808-4103 Thayne Andersen 801-573-0931

45 Shooting sports Goal: Each District will have a cadre of RSO s and NRA Instructors in their own District. Merit Badge Counselors and RSO s who are: Committed Professional Accessible Willing Active

46 Your District RSO & NRA Instructors A List of cadre of RSO’s and NRA Instructors in your own District.

47 Tour Plan

48 When conducting any of the following activities outside of council or district events: Aquatics activities (swimming, boating, floating, scuba, etc.) Climbing and rappelling Orientation flights (process flying plan) Shooting sports Any activities involving motorized vehicles as part of the program (snowmobiles, boating, etc.); or At a council's request (Contact your local council for additional guidelines or regulations concerning tour and activity plans; many have set guidelines for events or activities within council boundaries such as for Cub Scout overnight camping.)" Tour Plan

49 dSafety/TourPlanFAQ.aspx It states: "Q. When do I need to complete a tour and activity plan? A. Times when a tour and activity plan must be submitted for council review include the following: Trips of 500 miles or more; or Trips outside of council borders (exception: not to your council-owned property); or Tour Plan

50 If the shooting sports activity is not a council or district event a tour plan is required. Tour Plan

51 Shooting sports When conducting the following activities outside of council or district events: Aquatics activities (swimming, boating, floating, scuba, etc.) Climbing and rappelling Shooting Sports Orientation flights (process flying plan)

52 Thank You For all that you do You make scouting happen for the youth

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