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Societies Guild GM 25 th February 2016. Welcome Shout Out!

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Presentation on theme: "Societies Guild GM 25 th February 2016. Welcome Shout Out!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Societies Guild GM 25 th February 2016

2 Welcome

3 Shout Out!

4 The Awards 2016

5 The ‘Golden Guild’ Awards Friday 22 nd April, Ivor Crewe Lecture Hall Tickets available for ALL guild members on sale soon – linked with Friday Night Project Showcase involvement – email by Monday 7 th March to perform at the Photo competition – upload your images to dropbox by 12pm, Friday 11 th March for the chance to win £100 for your society

6 The VIP Society Awards Friday 6 th May, The Hexagon Invitation only to award nominees, winners and gold standard execs Your chance to show university dignitaries what you’ve been doing and what’s coming up

7 Awards Applications Apply by 12pm, Wednesday 16 th March to Winners will have the award appear on your final academic transcript! Application forms on the website ‘People’s Choice’ Award nominations open next week until Wednesday 16 th March. Nominate a guild member who has gone above and beyond for your society.

8 Urgent Reminder for Standards Urgent ^ Reminder ^ For ^ Standards ^ Keep updating the website with what you’ve been doing!

9 Society Elections

10 Nominations Open @ midnight on Monday 29 th February Close @ noon on Wednesday 2 nd March Voting Commences @ noon on Thursday 3 rd March Closes @ noon on Monday 7 th March Results Thursday 10 th March, throughout the day.

11 You MUST ensure that at least three separate individuals nominate themselves for the roles of President, Treasurer & Secretary. We will let you know by 5 pm on Tuesday 1 st March if you lack candidates for any of these positions. We will promote the elections as best we can but it is up to YOU to communicate the importance of voting to your members. Last year OVER 40 SOCIETIES folded because they were unable to elect a committee. There will be only ONE ROUND of elections this year to allow handovers and training to take place as early as possible.

12 Societies Guild Committee Elections

13 What are the positions? President – Sam Miles (VP Student Activities) Secretary Treasurer Community & Volunteering Officer Events Officer Charity & Fundraising Officer Society Convenors – Activities, Arts, Cultural, Departmental, Musical, Political & Representative, and Religious.

14 Why Run?

15 Nominations Open @ noon on Friday 11 th March Close @ noon on Tuesday 15 th March Voting Commences @ noon on Wednesday 16 th March Ends @ noon on Friday 18 th March Results 4pm on Friday 18 th March

16 Societies Hub Tuesday Societies day

17 Reminders

18 External Speakers Film Licensing Food & Drink Society of the Week Events on SU website

19 FANCY DRESS FUN RUN Pole dancing hosting fun run for any individuals or groups to join. Friday 22 nd April 4pm-5:30pm £10 per person and money will go to cancer research UK. 5K run around the university fields. Entry will include medal and a t-shirt You can sign up at SU reception or on the website.

20 New Societies Marketing Society Motoring Society Physiotherapy Society Student Scout & Guide Organisation (SSGO) Society

21 Marketing Society

22 A.Yes B.No C.Abstain 10

23 Motoring Society

24 A.Yes B.No C.Abstain 10

25 Physiotherapy Society

26 A.Yes B.No C.Abstain 10

27 SSGO Society

28 A.Yes B.No C.Abstain 10

29 Any Other Business?

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