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Tied Aid By Pegg and Jodie. What is Tied Aid??? Who Really Benefits from Tied Aid??? Tied aid doesn’t just benefit the country receiving the money… It.

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Presentation on theme: "Tied Aid By Pegg and Jodie. What is Tied Aid??? Who Really Benefits from Tied Aid??? Tied aid doesn’t just benefit the country receiving the money… It."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tied Aid By Pegg and Jodie

2 What is Tied Aid???

3 Who Really Benefits from Tied Aid??? Tied aid doesn’t just benefit the country receiving the money… It also benefits the country who gives the money…

4 How The Donor Country Benefits…

5 Advantages of Tied Aid. Good Aids! Tied aid is beneficial to both the donor and recipient. Tied aid boosts exports and secures jobs in MEDCs Tied Aid allows the donor country to unload excess goods.

6 Disadvantages of Tied Aid. Aid is frequently in the form of a loan and LEDCs sink further into debt Tied Aid may force LEDCs to buy inappropriate technology. Tied aid is unfair and massively reduces the effectiveness of aid. Tied aid favours companies in rich countries at the expense of poor people, and leads to inappropriate and costly projects. Bad Aids!

7 Facts Tied aid is a type of Bilateral aid. The United Nations recommends countries spend 0.7% of GNP on aid per year - few do! The largest donors are Norway, Denmark and Sweden - Britain - 0.28%, USA - 0.12%. The largest recipients are China, Egypt and Indonesia. About 60-75 percent of Canadian aid is tied, one of the world's highest amounts. The United States, Germany, Japan and France still insist that a major proportion of their aid money be used to buy products originating only in their countries.

8 An Article On Tied Aid *clicky clicky* Another Article On Tied Aid


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