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Table 1. Alignment of Assessment Domains with CEC and ACEI Standards Sheilah M. Paul et al. From Conceptualization to Reflection: Ensuring Robust Clinical.

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Presentation on theme: "Table 1. Alignment of Assessment Domains with CEC and ACEI Standards Sheilah M. Paul et al. From Conceptualization to Reflection: Ensuring Robust Clinical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Table 1. Alignment of Assessment Domains with CEC and ACEI Standards Sheilah M. Paul et al. From Conceptualization to Reflection: Ensuring Robust Clinical Experiences While Meeting the Professional Standards for Elementary Special Education Teachers. American Journal of Educational Research, 2015, Vol. 3, No. 2, 173-184. doi:10.12691/education-3-2-10 © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Science and Education Publishing. EVALUATION FORM DOMAINSEVALUATION CRITERIACECACEI PART I (Assessment 1) CONCEPTUALIZATION and LESSON PLANNING Central concepts, tools of inquiry and structures of content CEC 1: Foundations [CC1K1-CCIK4; CC1K8, GCIK1-GC1K3] ACEI 1.0 Development, Learning and Motivation ACEI 3.1 Integrating and Applying Knowledge for Instruction Conceptualizing Essay and Lesson Plan ed-TPA TASK 1: Planning for Instruction and Assessment Context for Learning Planning Commentary Development and Characteristics of Learners CEC 2: Development and Characteristics of Learners [CC2K1, CC2K2, CC2K5, CC2K6,GC2K1-GC2K5] ACEI 3.2 Adaptation to Diverse Students Development Learning and Motivation CEC 3: Individual Learning Differences [CC3K1, CC3K2, CC3K5] ACEI 3.1 Integrating and Applying Knowledge for Instruction Lesson Plans for Learning Segments Planning and Designing Innovative Learning Experiences CEC 4: Instructional Strategies [CC4K1, GC4K1, GC4K4, GC4K5, CC4S3, CC4S4,GC4S7] ACEI 3.3 Development of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving ACEI 3.4 Active Engagement in Learning Planning and Designing Appropriate Learning Environments CEC 5: Learning Environments and Social Interactions [CC5K1-CC5K6; GC5K2,GC5K3, GC5S1] ACEI 3.2 Adaptation to Diverse Students ACEI 3.3 Development of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Effective Communication CEC 6: Language [CC6K4, GC6K2, CC6S1, CC6S2] ACEI 3.5 Communication to Foster Collaboration Instructional MaterialsInstructional Planning Methods CEC 7: Instructional Planning [CC7K1-CC7K5; GC7K1] ACEI 3.1 – ACEI 3.5 Assessments and Data Collection Procedures Assessment CEC 8: Assessment [CC8S1-CC8S5;GC8S3] ACEI 4.0 Assessment for Instruction Professional and Ethical Practice CEC 9: Professional and Ethical Practice [CC9K2, CC9S5, CC9S6] ACEI 5.1 Professional Growth, Reflection and Evaluation Collaboration CEC 10: Collaboration [CC10K1, CC10K4,GC10K4] ACEI 3.5 Communication to Foster Collaboration EVALUATION FORM DOMAINSEVALUATION CRITERIACEC ALIGNMENTACEI PART II (Assessment 2) (A) IMPLEMENTATION Observation of Instructional Delivery Teaching Learners with Diverse NeedsCEC 2: Development and Characteristics of Learners [CC2K1, CC2K2]ACEI 1.0 Development, Learning and Motivation ed=TPA TASK 2: Instructing and Engaging the Focus LearnerUsing Adaptations for Diverse Learning DifferencesCEC 3: Individual Learning Differences [CC3K5] ACEI 3.2 Adaptation to Diverse Students Instruction CommentaryUsing Effective Strategies to Promote Active Engagement in LearningCEC 4: Instructional Strategies [CC4S3, GC4S1, GC4S7, GC4S10] ACEI 3.4 Active Engagement in Learning Video ClipsPractices and Behaviors of Developing Career Special Education TeachersCEC 5: Learning Environments and Social Interactions [CC5S1, CC5S5, CC5S15] ACEI 5.1 Professional Growth, Reflection and Evaluation ACEI 5.2 Collaboration with Families, Colleagues and Community Agencies Video ClipsEffective CommunicationCEC 6: Language [CC6S1, CC6S2, CC6K4] ACEI 3.5 Communication to Foster Collaboration Video ClipsUsing Effective Instructional Plans CEC 7: Instructional Planning [CC7S1, CC7S9, GC7S2, CC7S11, CC7S12, GC7S1, CC7S13, CC7S15] ACEI 3.1 – ACEI 3.5 Instruction CommentaryUsing Appropriate Assessments for InstructionCEC 8: Assessment [CC8S2, CC8S4, CC8S8, GC8S3] ACEI 4.0 Assessment for Instruction (B) CONTENT AREA INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS Observation of Instruction Instruction Commentary English Language Arts CEC 4: Instructional Strategies [GC4K7, GC4S4, GC4S11, GC4S13, GC4S14, GC4S16] CEC 8: Assessment [CC8S8] ACEI 2.1 Reading, Writing and Oral Language ACEI 2.5 The Arts ACEI 4.0 Assessment for Instruction Instruction CommentaryMathematics CEC 4: Instructional Strategies [GC4S5, GC4S7, GC4K6, GC4S12] CEC 7: Instructional Planning [CC7S5, CC7S15] CEC 8: Assessment [CC8S4, CC8S8] ACEI 2.3 Mathematics ACEI 4.0 Assessment for Instruction Instruction Commentary Science Integrated in Literacy and Math CEC 4: Instructional Strategies [CC4S3, GC4S7, GC4S13] CEC 7: Instructional Planning [CC7S5, CC7S11] CEC 8: Assessment [CC8S8, GC8S3] ACEI 2.2 Science ACEI 2.6 Health Education ACEI 2.7 Physical Education ACEI 4.0 Assessment for Instruction Instruction CommentarySocial Studies Integrated in Literacy and Math CEC 4: Instructional Strategies [CC4S3, CC4S7, CC4S13] CEC 7: Instructional Planning [CC7S8, CC7S11] CEC 8: Assessment [CC8S8] ACEI 2.4 Social Studies ACEI 2.5 The Arts ACEI 4.0 Assessment for Instruction (C) DISPOSITIONS Observed Candidate-Student Interactions Encourages ParticipationCEC 5: CC5S4ACEI 3.4 Calls on students EquallyCEC 5: CC5S1ACEI 5.1 Offers individual HelpCEC 5: CC5S4ACEI 3.2 Waits for Students to respondCEC 4: CC4S6ACEI 3.3, 3.4 Delves deeper into subject matterCEC 4: CC4S2ACEI 3.3 Asks higher-level questionsCEC 4: CC4S2ACEI 3.3 Gives feedbackCEC 4: GC4S12ACEI 3.4, 3.5 Affirms correct responsesCEC 5: GC5S4ACEI 3.5 Gives praise and cites reason for praiseCEC 5: GC5S4ACEI 3.5 Listens closelyCEC 5: CC5S9ACEI 3.5 Accepts students’ feelingsCEC 5: CC5S13ACEI 5.1 Shows respectCEC 5: GC5S5ACEI 5.1, 5.2 Is courteousCEC 5: GC5S5ACEI 5.1, 5.2 EVALUATION FORM DOMAINSEVALUATION CRITERIACEC ALIGNMENTACEI PART III (Assessment 3) OUTCOMES Ed-TPA TASK 3: Assessing Learning Assessment Commentary Lesson Summary CEC 4: Instructional Strategies [CC4S4] ACEI 3.1 - ACEI 3.5 Student Data Completed Final Assessments Samples of Student Work Completed Daily Assessment Records and Baseline Data Assessment of Student LearningCEC 8: Assessment [CC8S5, CC8S7] ACEI 4.0 Assessment for Instruction PART IV (Assessment 4) REFLECTION Reflective Essay Evidence of Feedback and Use of Data to Improve Learning Reflective PractitionerCEC 9: Professional and Ethical Practice [CC9S8, CC9S9, CC9S11] ACEI 5.1 Professional Growth, Reflection and Evaluation Reflective Essay Evidence of Feedback and Use of Data to Improve Learning CollaborationCEC10: Collaboration [CC10S9, GC10K4] ACEI 5.2 Collaboration with Families, Colleagues and Community Agencies

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