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WELCOME TO CBCGL English Ministry Seeking to Transform Lives and Communities - Opportunities and Actions, John 9:4 Chinese Bible Church of Greater Lowell.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO CBCGL English Ministry Seeking to Transform Lives and Communities - Opportunities and Actions, John 9:4 Chinese Bible Church of Greater Lowell."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO CBCGL English Ministry Seeking to Transform Lives and Communities - Opportunities and Actions, John 9:4 Chinese Bible Church of Greater Lowell Pastor Peter Wu, Senior Pastor | Pastor Nathan Willems, Youth Pastor James Chung, Mandarin | Pastor Chen, Cantonese 197 Littleton Road | Chelmsford, MA 01824 978.256.3889 | | - Praise the Lord! We have collected a pledge of $ 1,100.00 from last Sunday and reached a total pledge of $1,961,220.00 in which we have already received an actual total amount of $1,803,490.00. Please continue to pray for and participate to pledge for the equipment expenditure. Ask God to bless that we can move on to Phase II quickly after completion of Phase I. Please issue the check to "CBCGL" and write "Building Project" in the memo section of the check for your donation - Public WIFI service is now available from Building A. The SSID is "Public Wifi Default" with no password required - Children ’ s Sunday Services are calling parents to lead worship for Preschool to 1st Grade between 11:30-12:30. Please contact Minister Chow for sign up: Family News and Prayer Requests Update and Prayer Request from Rev. and Mrs. Eric and Linda Yang Mission Field: Wa people This year is our 20th anniversary of serving Wa people. You, the prayer partners, have been supporting us and praying for us tirelessly. Your intercession lifted us out of a lot of loneliness and discouragement. His miracles confirm a lot of our preaching and teachings. He leads us faithfully step- by-step. We experience so much blessing that we could not even express them in words. Please continue to remember us in your prayers, specifically in the following areas: 1. Mong Gan Christian Bible Church has been led by the local pastor, deacons, and co-workers. They are serving each other and helping each other grow. The congregation has been growing steadily. We thank God for His beloved church, and pray that His holy spirit be with the brothers and sisters 2. Eric ’ s health condition has been stable. He is using a hearing aid now. However, he still has trouble focusing his eyes, so he falls easily. Please pray that God will protect him from falling 3. The local farmers are busy in maintenance work for what they have planted. Rural life is busy and fulfilling. By God ’ s grace, these farmers have stable incomes so far. However, they suffer immensely whenever they are sick or when their livestock is stuck by disease. Therefore, professional medical and veterinary services are in great need. Pray that God will send missionaries with such professions to help out here May the Lord grant us daily strength to serve him powerfully! Your Co-Workers in Wa, Eric and Linda Focus on Missions April 17, 2016 Call to Worship Scripture Reading & Opening Prayer Songs of Worship Message “Man became God and God became man” Genesis 3:1-13 Elder Raymond Xie Response & Offering Announcements Benediction and Doxology Sunday School starts @ 11:30AM

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