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Recruiting 2 MANA 3320 Dr. Jeanne Michalski

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1 Recruiting 2 MANA 3320 Dr. Jeanne Michalski

2 Recruiting Sources  Internal vs. external recruiting  Why recruit internally?  Why NOT recruit internally  Identifying internal candidates  Job posting and bidding  Performance appraisals  HRIS systems / talent management  Assessment centers

3 Recruiting Talent Internally  Advantages of a promotion-from-within policy:  Capitalizes on past investments (recruiting, selecting, training, and developing) in current employees.  Rewards past performance and encourages continued commitment to the organization.  Signals to employees that similar efforts by them will lead to promotion.  Fosters advancement of members of protected classes within an organization.

4 Recruiting Talent Internally (cont’d)  Disadvantages of a promotion-from-within policy:  Current employees may lack the knowledge, experience or skills needed for placement in the vacant/new position.  The hazards of inbreeding of ideas and attitudes (“employee cloning”) increase when no outsiders are considered for hiring.  The organization has exhausted its supply of viable internal candidates and must seek additional employees in the external job market.

5 Methods for Identifying Qualified Candidates  Inventorying Management Talent  Information systems containing skills inventories of employees that can be used:  To screen candidates for an internal job opening  To predict career paths  To support succession planning  Job Posting and Bidding  Posting vacancy notices and maintaining lists of employees looking for upgraded positions.

6 Identifying Talent through Performance Appraisals  Managers are concerned about the actual current performance and potential performance of employees.  Potential vs. Performance  A comparison of appraisal and assessment data to allow managers to easily see an employee’s actual and potential performance.

7 What conclusions do you draw?

8 Using Assessment Centers  Assessment Center  A process by which individuals are evaluated as they participate in a series of situations that resemble what they might be called on to handle on the job.  In-basket exercises  Leaderless group discussions  Role playing  Behavioral interviews

9 Developing a Diverse Talent Pool  Recruiting and Developing Women  Growth of women in the workplace  Increase in females in management roles  Stereotyping and gender conflicts  Recruiting and Developing Minorities  Educational and societal disadvantages  Retention in organizations  Affirmative action

10 Recruitment and Development of Women  The “Glass Ceiling”  Artificial barriers based on attitudinal or organizational bias that prevent qualified women from advancing upward in their organizations into management level positions.  Eliminating Women’s Barriers to Advancement  Development of women’s networks  Online e-mentoring for women  Diminishing stereotyping of women  Presence of women in significant managerial positions  Accommodating families

11 Glass-Ceiling Audits  Glass ceiling audit factors:  Upper-level management and executive training  Rotational assignments International assignments  Opportunities for promotion  Opportunities for executive development programs at universities  Desirable compensation packages  Opportunities to participate on high-profile project teams  Upper-level special assignments

12 Recruiting and Developing of Minorities  Career development for minorities is advanced by:  Organizational support for the advancement of minorities to significant management positions  Provision of internships to attract minorities to management careers  Organization of training courses to foster the development of minority’s managerial skills and knowledge.

13 Career Development Issues  Understanding individual differences  Skills and ability differences  Motivational differences  Identify job progressions  Valuing multiple career paths  Avoid career plateaus  Trend towards employee self-development

14 What is Career Development?  Career development is an organized approach used to match employee goals with the business needs of the organization.  The purpose of career development is to:  Enhance each employee's current job performance.  Enable individuals to take advantage of future job opportunities.  Fulfill organization’s goals for a dynamic and effective workforce  Can play a role in recruitment as well as retention of key employees

15 Challenges in Career Development  Most organizations expect the employee to play an increasing role in career development  Ownership is with the employee  Organization provides assistance through resources and supervisory feedback  How will the needs of a diverse workforce be met?  Women and minorities often excluded from informal career development activities  What are these?  And why would women and minorities be excluded?

16  Where are you now?  Values  Skills/Capabilities  Life Balance  Where do you want to be?  Organizational Information gathered through organizational charts, informational interviews, job posting, career path information, etc.  How do you get there?  Set goals  Take training/develop skills  Network/mentors  Are you improving skills or seeking advancement Essential Steps of Effective Career Development

17 Where are you now?  Self-Assessment  Skills assessment  “Ideal Job”  Interest Inventory  Clarifying Values

18 Where do you want to be?  Take advantage of company offered career counseling  Information Services  Job-posting systems  Skills inventories  Career paths  Career resource center

19 Career Paths  What information would be useful for career path planning?

20 Career Paths  What information would be useful for career path planning?  Career progression information  Skills and knowledge needed/ learned in various roles  Training that would help in performance of role

21 Generic Example of Career Paths Director MarketingManager Sales Sr. Sales RepSales Rep Sales Associate National Account Mgr. Manager Marketing Admin. Product Marketing Supervise others. Demonstrate leadership capabilities Manage entire sales process. Understand account management Learn sales negotiation process. Manage customer relationships Learn organization and customer base. Show sales capability

22 BNSF Railway Company Career Path for Marketing Employees

23 Marketing Career Path Tool Features:  Logical career progression map  Marketing experiences available at your current level  Learning experiences specific to your current level  Listing of positions at your current career level by department Benefits:  Provides employees with a guide or road map to manage their career progression  Enriches performance and development feedback discussions  Enhances employee retention through transparency or broader view of the organization

24 Marketing Career Path  Expect to stay in your current role for 18-24 months  You are responsible for your own development  Try not to think of the career path a straight linear path  Think in terms of experiences and learning, not salary bands and positions  Never forget that performance is the cornerstone  You will be competing for the position so consider different options As you manage your career path, remember:

25 Marketing Career Path Guide Getting Started $3,589 Industrial Products

26 Marketing Career Path Guide Career Level Selection $3,589 Industrial Products

27 Marketing Career Path Guide Career Level Details $3,589 Industrial Products

28 Marketing Career Path Guide Career Level Details $3,589 Industrial Products

29 Marketing Career Path Guide Testimonials $3,589 Industrial Products Performance is the cornerstone… VP Domestic Intermodal Marketing Think in terms of experience and learning… VP Industrial Products Sales

30 How Do You Get There?  Setting Goals and taking actions to create and increase skills  Principles of good Goal setting?  Common development programs can be formal or informal:  Mentoring  Coaching  Job Shadowing  Tuition Assistance

31 How Do You Get There?  Mentoring  Can improve performance and job satisfaction  Particularly important for minorities  Professional and trade associations form of group mentoring  Coaching  Ongoing meetings between employee and manager  To discuss employee’s goals and development

32 How Do You Get There?  Job Shadow/Rotation  Employees gain experience  Results in a more broadly trained, skilled workforce  Are short and intermediate term costs  Tuition Assistance Programs  Supports employee education and development

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