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#18 The Fall of Political and Economic Babylon Revelation 18 May 24, 2015 PM.

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1 #18 The Fall of Political and Economic Babylon Revelation 18 May 24, 2015 PM

2 Looking Back… Chapter 17 – The World Church comes to an end. In contrast to the true Church, which is pictured as a chaste virgin (II Cor. 11:2) this World Church is called a harlot because she has been unfaithful to God’s Holy Word and His way of salvation. At first the Antichrist will cooperate with religious Babylon because she will aid him in his goal for world supremacy. However, after the middle of the Tribulation, he will totally destroy this religious system and establish himself as the sole object of worship. 17:16,17; 13:4,5,12,15.

3 Now Chapter 18 Destruction of Political/Economic Babylon Her Destruction Deserved 18:1-8 Announcing the Judgment 18:1-3 Why do we believe that Chapters 17 and 18 are NOT the same destruction? “After these things” Chapter 17 – the destruction of a woman and Chapter 18 the destruction of a city. The Harlot is destroyed by the Antichrist, and the City is destroyed by God. Is Fallen, Is Fallen – a double destruction. Judgment on all nations. They have gathered in support of the Antichrist’s system. Call to separation vs. 4 Reason of her judgment – vs. 5-8 especially vs. 7

4 Destruction continued… Her Destruction Deplored – 18:9-19 By KIings – governmental authorities - vs. 9,10 They had received the mark of the beast and lived in luxury Their prosperity will literally go up in smoke They stand back – afar –but that will not save them (Mt. 25:31,32,41-46) By Merchants – commercial officials - vs. 11-16 They had received the mark of the beast and profited by it Their businesses – their source of great income has been destroyed. They mourn selfishly. By Shipmasters – transporters of products – vs. 17-19 They had received the mark of the beast prospered in commerce Their personal revenue will have dried up. They will demonstrate anguish of soul but NOT from sorrow over their sins.

5 Destruction continued… Her Destruction Described – 18:20-24 Rejoicing – vs. 20 – we will be instructed to rejoice! There is rejoicing in heaven over a repentant sinner, and now over God’s justice. Representation – vs. 21-23a – as a millstone cast into the water never again to surface. Reasoning – vs. 23b,24. (her sorceries and her killings) David Jeremiah lists 6 reasons why Babylon and its influences cannot be allowed to exist in God’s coming kingdom. Sorceries 18:2 Seductions 18:3 Sins 18:5 – “reached” (glued or welded together) Babel Self-glorification 18:7; Proverbs 16:18 Slavery 18:13 – 27 million today! Sacrifices 18:24 (17:6 and back even farther to 6:9-11) Conclusion: Read 208-210 The Coming Economic Armageddon


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