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Type of addressing mode

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1 Type of addressing mode

2 Register addressing moves a byte or word between a memory location addressing and a register. The instruction set does not support a memory-to memory transfer, except with the MOVS instruction.

3 Examples


5 Immediate addressing Immediate Immediate addressing transfers the source, an immediate byte, word, addressing doubleword, or quadword of data, into the destination register or memory location. Example: The MOV AL, 22 H instruction copies a byte-sized 22H into register AL.

6 Example

7 Direct Addressing

8 Indirect Addressing

9 Base-plus-index addressing

10 Register Relative addressing


12 Base plus relative addressing

13 Scaled addressing Scaled-index addressing is the last type of data-addressing mode discussed. This data-addressing mode is unique to the through the Core2 microprocessors. Scaled-index addressing uses two 32-bit registers (a base register and an index register) to access the memory.


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