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SC300 Unit Five Phyllis J. Langone, Ph.D., M.Phil., M.B.A., M.S., M.A. AIM:

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Presentation on theme: "SC300 Unit Five Phyllis J. Langone, Ph.D., M.Phil., M.B.A., M.S., M.A. AIM:"— Presentation transcript:

1 SC300 Unit Five Phyllis J. Langone, Ph.D., M.Phil., M.B.A., M.S., M.A. AIM:

2 Agenda 1.Hormonal Change in Women: Menopause -History -Symptoms -Treatments -Smoking -Soy 2.Hormonal Change in Men: Aging Male Syndrome 3.Unit 5 Project 4.Discussion Board 5.Q&A

3 Menopause History “Menopause is not a dangerous time or experience for the majority of women, any more than puberty is….” ~Dr. Andrew F. Currier, 1897 “…a large proportion of women go through menopause with scarcely a ripple and need no medical treatment whatsoever.” ~Dr. Emil Novak, 1922

4 Menopause: Symptoms & evaluation Hot flashes/flushes Night sweats Heart discomfort Sleep problems Depressive mood Irritability or anxiety Fatigue Impaired memory Loss of libido Bladder problems Dryness of vagina, skin, or hair Joint or muscular discomfort

5 Treatments: lifestyle changes

6 Treatments: prescription ProCon Hormone therapy (local or systemic): estrogen, progestogen, or combinations Decrease hot flashes Relieve vaginal dryness Relieve some urinary symptoms Prevent osteoporosis Increased risk of developing breast and uterine cancers; heart disease, stroke, and pulmonary embolism; and dementia Low-dose antidepressants Decrease hot flashes Relieve some mood symptoms Side effects may include sexual dysfunction, anxiety, headache, nausea, insomnia or drowsiness, dry mouth, decreased appetite, or constipation Anti-seizure medicationsDecrease hot flashes Side effects may include fatigue, dizziness, rash, heart palpitations, swelling, and drowsiness, but generally decrease over time (weeks) Anti-hypertensive (blood pressure) medications Decrease hot flashes Unpleasant side effects including dry mouth, drowsiness, or insomnia are common BisphosphenatesPrevent or treat osteoporosis Side effects may include damage to the esophagus and muscle pain; long-term use can lead to brittle bones (quantity over quality) Selective estrogen receptor modulators Prevent or treat osteoporosisIncreased risk of blood clots, hot flashes, nausea, and leg cramps

7 Treatments: nonprescription ProCon Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa, Cimicifuga racemosa, Remifemin) Decrease hot flashes Relieve some mood symptoms Relieve vaginal dryness Reduce sleep disturbances Increased risk of liver problems Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) Decrease hot flashes Relieve some mood symptoms Relieve vaginal dryness Increased risk of bleeding complications Ginseng or Ginkgo (Panax ginseng or Panax quinquefolius) Relieve some mood symptoms Reduce sleep disturbances Appears to be nontoxic, both in the short- and long-term, except in highly excessive doses Chaste Berry (Vitex agnus castus) Decrease hot flashes Relieve some mood symptoms Appears to be nontoxic, both in the short- and long-term, except in highly excessive doses. Passion flower (Passiflora incarnata) Relieve some mood symptoms Reduce sleep disturbances Appears to be nontoxic, both in the short- and long-term, except in highly excessive doses.

8 Smoking

9 Soy

10 Aging Male Syndrome Weight gain Problems sleeping Less interest in sex Irritability Erection problems Increased urination Depression Loss of energy Problems with memory & concentration Bone, muscle, and hair loss

11 Unit Five - Project Unit Five Project is a lab-simulation Do the simulation and keep track of your results Follow the directions under Unit 5 – Project Be sure to take the QUIZ

12 Discussion Board – Unit Five Please note there are five questions to consider. Make sure your posts address the complete assignment…not just one or two of the questions. Remember, the unit starts on Wednesday so you should be working on Unit Five Discussion as of Three Days Ago!! So far, your contributions have been great!

13 Discussion Board – General Reminders 1.Contribute meaningfully (substantially) 2.Responses must make some informed reference(s) to the lesson material (properly cited and referenced, of course) 3.Writing is clear and, for the most part, free of grammar, style, or punctuation errors 4.Respond to at least two other people, in addition to answering the discussion question(s) completely 5.Responses must advance the discussion (If you wait to participate on the last day of the week, there is no way to advance the discussion as it is over!)


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