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UNIT 1: EXPLORATION AND COLONIZATION. Today’s essential question What were the motivating factors that caused explorers and colonists to come to America?

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 1: EXPLORATION AND COLONIZATION. Today’s essential question What were the motivating factors that caused explorers and colonists to come to America?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Today’s essential question What were the motivating factors that caused explorers and colonists to come to America?

3  Why explore?  Push Factors & Pull Factors  Push Factors – Examples?  Persecution  Discrimination  War  Etc.!  Pull Factors – Examples?  Economic opportunity  Religious freedom  Etc.! Exploration review/introduction

4 Push-Pull Factors  Push factors PUSH people out of an area and into another.  EX: 30,000 Honduran and Guatemalan kids at US border leaving murder-high/poor countries  Pull factors PULL people towards an area out of another.  EX: Good jobs, better climate, religious tolerance, etc.

5 Causes of European Exploration  Push Factors  Crusades Holy wars fought between Christians and Muslims for Jerusalem Results?  Renaissance Rebirth of knowledge after Middle Ages Causes? Results?

6 Push-Pull Factors  Why Explore?  Knowledge  Gold  God  Glory (the 3 Gs)  Technology  Trade (Marco Polo & the quest for Asian goods)  Competition between rival countries (France, England, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, etc.)

7 Portugal takes the lead! Prince Henry “the Navigator” Opened the first school of navigation Never actually navigated anything Sought a faster route to the Portugal’s Asian Possessions (Spice Islands) GOAL: PORTUGUESE EMPIRE, SPREAD CATHOLICISM, TRADE

8 Voyages to Africa  1400s – Portuguese explorers searched Africa’s western coast for gold and spices  Pope Nicholas V – granted rights to all lands claimed in return for converting inhabitants  Kill all who resist

9 Vasco da Gama  Portuguese explorer  Discovered an all- water route from Europe to India  Brought spices back to Portugal and made huge profits—leading others to make similar trips

10 African Resistance  War and disease temporarily stop Portugal, but eventually Africa will be won through trade  Portuguese Trade – pepper, gold, cloth and ivory in exchange for guns, gunpowder, and later rum

11 The Spanish Monarchy – King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella

12 Spanish Goals for the Exploration 1. Expand Spanish Empire 2. Overtake Portuguese 3. Spread Catholicism

13  First of all, where is Asia?  Why would people in Europe want to have a direct route there (to the East) Why Asia?

14  What do you already know about him?  In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.  In 1493, he returned to make slaves of all he’d see.  “One of the greatest mariners in history, a visionary genius, a mystic, a national hero, a failed administrator, a naïve entrepreneur, and a ruthless and greedy imperialist.”  From The Library of Congress’ 1429: AN ONGOING VOYAGE CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS

15 Christopher Columbus Columbus, an Italian, met Ferdy and Izzy’s goals. Columbus was to find a direct route to ASIA by TRAVELING WEST from SPAIN! He ran into something else.


17  Columbus’ voyage  John Green Crash Course Clip (4:20)   Traveling for Spain (King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella)  Where did he think he landed? The East Indies  Where did he land? Landed in San Salvador Columbus’ voyage

18 Columbus’ Discoveries and Claims  1492 – Columbus leaves Spain on three ships (Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria) with 90 men  Land sighted six weeks later (the Bahamas), colonized natives  Returned later and enslaved natives in a quest for gold  Eventually thousands die to the Spanish conquistadores

19 English Explorers  John Cabot (Italian hired by Henry VII)– 1497 – believed Columbus discovered Asia  Landed in Canada  2 nd Voyage sailed as far south as Maryland  Claimed all land for England (“New England”)

20 French Explorers  Focused on Northern areas  Claimed Canada for fishing and fur trade  Jacques Cartier – 1534 – followed St. Lawrence River inland, claiming all lands for France

21 Other Spaniards  1539 – Hernando de Soto – lands in Florida, claims all lands north to Arkansas  Plundered native villages for gold, died during war along the Mississippi  1566 – Juan Pardo established St. Augustine, FL – oldest colony in “New World”

22 Essential Question PT. 2 How did the interactions between Europeans and Native Americans impact each group?

23  By 1492, people had lived in the Western Hemisphere for tens of thousands of years without sustained contact with other parts of the world (Europe, Africa, Asia)  Where is the Western Hemisphere? (someone show us on the map in the classroom) What came to be called “America”

24  In 1510, reached the coast of what is now South America  Proved Columbus wrong  What about Columbus’ ideas were incorrect?  Where did Columbus think that he originally landed? The East Indies (What today is Indonesia)  Letters about the New World inspired mapmakers to coin the new land as “America” AMERIGO VESPUCCI

25 Contact with Europeans  Contact brought to the Native Americans new food products and tools  Also brought new diseases  Over half of the Native American population would die within a century

26 The Rise of Sugar Plantations  Cash Crops of the New World – Sugar cane, Indigo, Tobacco, Cotton  Plantations – large farms designed for one crop  Brazil, Jamaica, Barbados and Cuba – major plantation sites  Natives were first enslaved, followed by Africans  Thousands died

27 Columbian exchange

28 Columbian Exchange


30 Triangular Trade



33 *Clarification: Differences between Columbian exchange and Triangle Trade* The Columbian Exchange was exchange of native plants, animals, and disease… LARGELY UNINTENTIONAL (Created by a clash of multiple foreign groups now interacting!) The Triangle Trade was a more intended consequence of trading goods between the big 3 trade routes on the Atlantic Ocean

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