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Yoel Kortick Circulation Request Refusal Version 21 rep_ver #017347.

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Presentation on theme: "Yoel Kortick Circulation Request Refusal Version 21 rep_ver #017347."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yoel Kortick Circulation Request Refusal Version 21 rep_ver #017347

2 2 Agenda Introduction New Menu Configuration and changes Example

3 3 Introduction Purpose of Enhancement: It is now possible to refuse hold, photocopy, and booking requests.

4 4 Introduction Description: A new option has been added to the Requests menu in the Circulation module – Print letter ‐ refusal. This option enables the printing of a refusal letter, including the refusal reason. The request is moved to the History log with Refused status. A Circulation Logger record (Z309) is created, including the refusal reason.

5 5 Agenda Introduction New Menu Configuration and changes Example

6 6 New Menu Here is the hold requests menu in version 21 The “Refused” letter also exists for photocopy requests and Booking Requests

7 7 New Menu Here is the hold requests menu in version 20 The “Refused” letter does not exist in version 20

8 8 Agenda Introduction New Menu Configuration and changes Example

9 9 Configuration and changes Many files have been changed and added both on the PC (for the menu) and on the server (for the letters being printed). See the release notes for a fill description. Here is a brief summary of the changes

10 10 Configuration and changes In order to display the Request Number and the Refusal Note in “Circulation Logger Report” (cir-21) service printout, changes were made to the following file: /form_lng/circ-log-report.xsl file.

11 11 Configuration and changes New attribute was added to Z309: Z309_REQUEST_NUMBER NUMBER(9). usm50@ALEPH211> desc z309 Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- Z309_REC_KEY NOT NULL CHAR(27) Z309_REC_KEY_2 CHAR(9) Z309_REC_KEY_3 CHAR(15) Z309_REC_KEY_4 CHAR(27) Z309_CATALOGER_NAME CHAR(10) Z309_CATALOGER_IP VARCHAR2(20) Z309_DATE_X CHAR(12) Z309_ACTION NUMBER(2) Z309_OVERRIDE CHAR(1) Z309_TEXT VARCHAR2(50) Z309_DATA VARCHAR2(2000) Z309_UPD_TIME_STAMP CHAR(15) Z309_REQUEST_NUMBER NUMBER(9) Z309_CATALOGER_IP_V6 VARCHAR2(50) Z309_PHOTO_REQUEST_NUMBER NUMBER(9)

12 12 Configuration and changes New forms were created under form_lng:./ /form_lng/hold-refused-letter-s.xsl./ /form_lng/photocopy-refused-letter-s.xsl./ /form_lng/booking-refused-letter-s.xsl New expand screen was created under pc_tab_display_lng:./ /pc_display_lng/booking-request-info./ /pc_display_lng/booking-request-info.trn

13 13 Configuration and changes Additional lines were added to the following GUI PC files: Circ/Tab/Lng/hint.dat Circ/Tab/Lng/menu.dat Circ/Tab/Lng/message.dat Circ/Tab/Lng/window.dat./ tab/pc_tab_col.lng./ /tab/tab_circ_log.lng Additional lines were added to the following server files:

14 14 Agenda Introduction New Menu Configuration and changes Example

15 15 Example Patron “Aadland, Dustin” currently has a hold request on record with title “Aleph 500 and the future of library science” barcode 238719-10

16 16 Example Now we will refuse this request and send a letter to the patron

17 17 Example After entering the barcode of the request, the librarian can add a note to the patron

18 18 Example Librarian is asked to confirm the refusal

19 19 Example The patron receives a “Hold Request Refusal” letter

20 20 Example The activity has been added to the circulation log

21 Thank You!

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